A Night of Unity: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Shine at the Democratic National Convention

A Night of Unity: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Shine at the Democratic National Convention

I'd save this all for myself and
the hell that we built for our kids.

When time turns this moment
to dust, I just hope my son's

proud of the woman I love.

Can we leave this

world better than we found it?


alright, you know what?

I'm inspired.

Maybe I will sing a song.

To Donald Trump!

A little B.


King classic, The Thrill is Gone.

I want you all to know,
tonight is about joy.

American history, our common history, is a
testimony to taking on the insurmountable

and achieving the impossible.

That should bring us joy.

Our progress never ever came easy.

But in America, We do hard things.

We built labor unions
and small businesses.

We created great public education
and world changing innovation.

We nurtured the best athletes and
artists humanity has ever seen, and

we kept the promise of Medicare and
Social Security for our seniors.

Look at who we are.

Against bigotry and hate, we advanced
equal rights for all Americans.

Civil rights, workers rights, LGBTQ
rights, reproductive rights, the right to

marry who you love, the right to be free.

We did all of this in a way
that didn't pit American women

We did this by healing rifts, by bridging
divides, by pulling people together, and

all the while, we in this nation lived up
to our calling and our creed to be a more

perfect union, to make this one nation
under God a little more indivisible.

Now you all know this.

Trump betrays these ideals.

He viciously attacks them.

Democrats and Republicans.

His put downs know no shame.

John McCain's military service, Nikki
Haley's heritage, women, people with

disabilities, trans people are veterans.

He is indiscriminate in his put downs.

His is the politics of smear and
fear, not inspiration and elevation.

Donald Trump speaks more of American
carnage than American compassion.

But in America, you can't lead
the people if you don't love

the people, all the people.

Now, our nominees Kamala Harris
and Tim Walz, they bring the joy.

Think about it, they're descendants
of immigrants, shopkeepers, slaves,

educators, people who faced pain with
perseverance, people who met hate.

They are the living
dreams of their ancestors.

But look in this arena,
look around you right now.

We are all our ancestors wildest dreams.

Generations who faced impossible
odds, and that responded to every

one of their challenges with
that classic American creed, Yes!

We can.

So there are doubters out there.

There are people that doubt
our collective strength.

They want to tell us how bad we are.

They want to say that
they alone can save us.

Well, we know that the power of the people
is greater than the people in power.

And we're not.

We're not going to lose our faith.

Look, I want everybody in here.

To let us all say it together,
I believe in America.

Let me hear you.

I believe in America.

I believe in America because our elders
told us that no matter what the obstacle,

like the gospel says, we shall overcome.

I believe in America because our soldiers
died on beaches and battlefields.

They died at sea and in the air
so that we could be free today.


And say together, I believe in America.

I believe in America because our
fighters fought at Stonewall.

Our marchers marched in Selma.

Delegates met at Seneca Falls.

Every single one of them
believed in America, even when

America didn't believe in them.

Say it with me now.

I believe in America because King Dared.

To dream the impossible dream, because
Neil Armstrong went to impossible

heights, and because when we elect
Kamala Harris, there is not a boy or

girl in America, from any creed, color,
or heritage, that will ever thank

being President of the United States.

This is impossible again.


say it with me, I believe in America,
the land of hope and heroism.

I believe in America, the land
of courage and compassion.

I believe in America, where we
share common ground and common

cause and one common destiny.

And let me tell you, if you believe
in America, if you love in America,

then you will work for America.

And when we work together, when we
stand together, when we organize

together, when we vote together, I will
tell you this, when we fight, we win.

Ladies and gentlemen, Veronica Escobar.

Buenas noches.

Like countless Texans, I grew up
going back and forth across the

border from El Paso to Ciudad Juarez.

My family would shop, have dinner,
go to the doctor, pick up medicines.

The border is my beloved home.

The place where my children grew up.

Forget what you hear on the news.

I'm from there.

When it comes to the border, hear me when
I say, You know nothing, Donald Trump.

He and his Republican imitators.

See the border and immigration as
a political opportunity to exploit

instead of an issue to address.

Congress hasn't passed comprehensive
immigration reform in nearly four decades.

The three times they tried, Republicans
blocked legislation that would have

funded border security and created
a more humane immigration system.

They are not serious people.

You know who is serious?

Kamala Harris.

I met the Vice President
when she visited El Paso.

I saw first hand how she engaged
with law enforcement, migrants,

and human rights advocates.

She was curious.

She asked questions.

She listened.

And she didn't care if
the cameras were on.

Most of all, she recognized that the
situation at the border is complicated.

As filled with opportunities.

As it is with challenges, all Republicans
have to offer is demonization and bluster.

Democrats have solutions.

With Kamala Harris as president, we
can live up to the promise of America.

We can strengthen legal
pathways to immigration.

We can secure our borders and we
can treat with dignity Those who

seek a better future within them.

I have a question for you.

Who really wants a solution at our border?

Our administration worked on
the most significant border

security bill in decades.

Some of the most conservative
Republicans in Washington D.


supported the bill.

Even the Border Patrol endorsed it.

And that bill included thousands
of new border agents and personnel,

new technology they can detect
and stop fentanyl, more judges,

and faster asylum processing.

For the first time in decades, a
chance at a real bipartisan solution.

But at the last minute, Trump directed
his allies in the Senate to vote it down.

They're blaming it on me.

I said, that's okay.

Please blame it on me.


He tanked.

He tanked, tanked the bipartisan deal
because he thought it would help him win

an election, which goes to show Donald
Trump does not care about border security.

He only cares about himself.

The real difference is I was the
attorney general of a border state.

In that job, I walked.

underground tunnels between the
United States and Mexico on that

border with law enforcement officers.

I went after transnational gangs,
drug cartels, and human traffickers

that came into our country illegally.

I prosecuted them in case
after case and I won.

So here is my pledge to you.

As president, I will bring back the
border security bill that Donald Trump

killed and I will sign it into law

and show Donald Trump what
real leadership looks like.

Please welcome Connecticut
Senator Chris Murphy.


I just want to let you know,

I want to let you know that everything
that you just saw in that video,

that's exactly what happened.

I know because I was the Democratic
Senator who negotiated that bill

to secure the border with President
Biden and Vice President Harris.

I want to tell you this as well, Donald
Trump's allies weren't just in the room,

they helped us write the whole bill.

It was a bipartisan bill.

It was a tough bill.

Twenty billion dollars in new
border security gave the President

The emergency power to shut down
the border made compassionate but

serious reforms to our asylum system.

One Republican said it would
have had almost unanimous support

if it weren't for Donald Trump.

Trump killed that bill, and
he did it because he knew that

if we fixed the border, he'd
lose his ability to divide us.

His ability to fan the flames
of fear about people who

come from different places.

Right, you guys know this, right?

Hate and division, that's Trump's oxygen.

Right, people, people like Trump and J.


Vance, they need it to
survive in politics.

People are saying that they're weird, that
they're creepy, and they are weird, they

are creepy, but even worse, they're weak.

Kamala Harris is not weak.

For 20 years, Kamala
Harris has been tough.

nails when it comes to
securing our border.

When she was a California
prosecutor, she went after drug

smugglers, human traffickers.

She put 100 gang members
away in a single sweep.

Trump says that a safe nation
can't be an immigrant nation.

That's flat wrong.

And Kamala Harris knows it.

She knows this too, engraved on
the statue of Liberty is a poem.

The last line reads, I lift my
lamp beside the golden door.

for generations.

That lamp has called people to
start a brave new life in America.

My ancestors, your ancestors, and
the parents of the next president

of the United States of America.

Kamala Harris knows that we can be
a nation of proud immigrants and a

nation of strong immigration laws.

That's why when she's president, she
will bring that border bill back and

Kamala Harris is going to pass it.

How do I know this?

Because in this race, there is only one
candidate who has ever been willing to do

the worthy, redeeming work of making our
country better, of recognizing that we

do not have to choose between celebrating
our heritage and enforcing our laws.


The beautiful, the beautiful thing
about America is that we can be both.

We can be a nation of immigrants
who love their country and a

nation with a secure border.

And there is only one candidate.

There is only one candidate who
can deliver that vision of America.

And it's Kamala Harris.

Thank you very much, Democrats.

Please welcome Bexar County
Sheriff Javier Salazar.


the other side of the border, the
traffickers, they pack migrants

into 18 wheelers like cattle.

Thank you very much.

50 100 at a time.

Then they seal the doors.

That's what the 911 calls come.

We hear them desperate,
terrified, gasping for air.

Now, sometimes we get there in time.

Sometimes, despite our
best efforts, we can't.

When Donald Trump comes down to Texas,
stands next to officers in uniforms just

like mine, he's not there to help us.

Don't think that not for a second.

He is a self serving man.


I mean, look, just like, just like
when he killed the border bill.

He just made our jobs harder.

Now Kamala, on the other hand, has
been fighting border crime for years.

She's gone down to Mexico and
worked to stop the traffickers.

And when the traffickers didn't
stop, she put them in jail.

Now, down in my neck of the woods, we
call that fooling around and finding out.

I may be paraphrasing a bit.

We protect, now the border sheriffs that
I know, right, and I, we're like Kamala.

We protect and serve.

We enforce the law.

We show compassion.

And we fight like hell
to protect our border.

Because that's all we've
always known in Texas.

Cuando luchamos, ganamos.

When we fight, we win!

Please welcome California
Representative Pete Aguilar.

I'm Pete Aguilar, Chair
of the Democratic Caucus.

For four generations, my family
has called California home.

I grew up in San Bernardino, a
working class community defined

by family, faith, and hard work.

These values shared by Latino families
across this country are what made

my family's American Dream possible.

And only Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
will protect the American Dream so that

every family can earn a living, own a
home, and reach their full potential.

This is a vision for America that
Donald Trump will never understand.

All he knows.

First is chaos and division.

He talks about tearing American
families apart, pitting neighbor against

neighbor, community against community.

Compare that to what Kamala
Harris has done as vice president.

Almost half a million people who
live here and are married to a U.


citizen can now apply for
lawful permanent residence.

DACA recipients who graduated college
have easier access to work visas.



And we would have much more security
at the border if Donald Trump

hadn't tanked the bipartisan bill.

Folks, we don't have to choose
between a secure border and

building an America for all.

Under President Harris,
we can and will do both.


As a prosecutor, she took on
transnational gangs and cartels.

As president.

She will fight for
pathways to citizenship.

And I can tell you, as the highest
ranking Latino in Congress, our community

understands the stakes in this election.

Because we believe in the
promise of this country.

We believe our nation is stronger
when we keep families together.

We believe our union is more perfect.

When dreamers become doctors,
teachers, construction workers,

and military service members.

Latinos believe in that American
dream and a brighter future.

One where we secure our border, fix
our broken immigration system, and

unlock economic opportunity for all.

And together, we will win.

I'm a Filipino Japanese DACA recipient.

I am a third year medical student
and I am a DACA recipient.

Thanks to DACA, I've been able
to open up my own business and

represent clients as a lawyer.

So many of my dreams
came a little bit closer.

It is disheartening to know that the
court system may end DACA next year.

And to also hear Donald Trump
calling for mass deportations.

It is time that we recognize
DREAMers for who they are.

We are contributors to this great nation.

I support Vice President Harris, who has
continued to fight for DACA recipients.

She was the one who stood with us, who
sat with us, who heard our stories.

We need a future President
Harris to ensure that DREAMers

like me can continue to work.

Welcome Juwan, we are into the show here.

I know you're running a
little late today, bye Tom.

We're going to have a
interesting evening here.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Looking forward to it.

Look like you already
got the party started.

Showing the protest out outdoors of the
arena and take a lot of feed in here.

Also, so we'll have multi
camera action going on tonight.

Also double dipping.

Yeah, they talk a lot about
the um, protest outside.

They have to beef up security,
bring in more officers.

Yeah, I think it could get
um, pretty rough tonight and

especially tomorrow night.

I think it could be some
fireworks tomorrow night for sure.

Yeah, well I, I, I hope not.

You know, I mean, they, they said
there were some incidents, but

still in all, there was also a lot
of peaceful protesting as well.

So I would like to see the
peaceful, peaceful protesting.


Democratic National Convention,
they might not believe you,

but this is the United States of
America, the land of opportunities

where anything is possible.


know this, I know this, because daily,
I interact with people who, like my

parents, came to America to fulfill
the dreams and ambitions that in

their home countries were impossible.

People who work hard, contribute
to society, pay taxes, because

yes, immigrants pay taxes!

And love,

and love this country deeply.

The same people Donald Trump
wants you to believe are poisoning

the blood of our country.

This is dangerous and it
is outright anti American.

Because as Ronald Reagan once said,
Ronald Reagan, a Republican, once said,

we lead the world because unique among
nations, we draw our people, our strength

from every country and every corner.

Reagan knew, Reagan knew that welcoming
immigrants is not a Democratic or a

Republican value, it is an American value!

To be pro immigrant is to be pro America!

And that's why Kamala
Harris understands this too.

And that's why, once elected,
she will reject hate.

And find solutions that
make our nation stronger.

So let's get her elected.

Let's get her elected!

And ensure that our country remains a
beacon of freedom and opportunity for all.

Thank you, God bless you, and God
bless the great state of Texas!

Hell yeah!

Please welcome former Homeland
Security and Counterterrorism Advisor

to Vice President Pence, Olivia Troy,

this is interesting.

Four years ago, I resigned from the
Trump administration as a Republican who

dreamed of working in the White House.

It was a hard decision, but as
an American it was the right one.


saw how Donald Trump undermined
our intelligence community,

our military leaders.

And ultimately our democratic process.

Now he's doing it again.

Lying and laying the groundwork
to undermine this election.

It's his MO to sow doubt and division.

That's what Trump wants because
it's the only way he wins.

And that's what our
foreign adversaries want.

Because it's the only way they win.

As a national security expert, y
como latina, y hija de una inmigrante

mexicana que realiciĆ³ el sueƱo americano,

being inside Trump's White
House was terrifying.

But what keeps me up at night is
what'll happen if he gets back there.

The guardrails are gone.

The few adults in the room, the
first time, resigned or were fired.

I grew up in the kind of working family
that Trump pretends to care about.





4th was our most sacred holiday.

Hell yeah!

made me a Republican, and they're
the same values that make me

proud to support Kamala Harris.

Not because we agree on every issue,
but because we agree on the most

important issue, protecting our freedom.

Hell yeah!

So to my fellow Republicans You
aren't voting for a Democrat.

You're voting for democracy.


Hell yeah.

Well, that was quite interesting
there, just to hear from

her about her experience.

What does the former Georgia lieutenant
governor, Jeff Duncan, have to say?

Good evening.

Good evening.

I bring greetings from the
great state of Georgia.

So let's get the hard part out of the way.

I am a Republican.

But tonight, I stand here as an American.

Another Republican forever, huh?

An American that cares more
about the future of this country

than the future of Donald Trump.

Is Donald, is Trump going
to get at least one vote?

I hope he'll get one vote,
that'd be kind of embarrassing.

I realized Donald Trump was willing
to lie, cheat, and steal to try

to overturn the 2020 election.

Yeah, Tom thinks he's a traitor.

I realized Trump was a
direct threat to democracy.

And his actions disqualified him
from ever, ever, ever stepping

foot into the Oval Office again.

I could spend my time revving
up this crowd, but I'm certain

I don't have to talk anybody out
of voting for Donald Trump here.

So I'm going to focus my attention on the
millions of Republicans and Independents

that are at home that are sick and tired
of making excuses for Donald Trump.



If Republicans are being
intellectually honest with ourselves.

Our party is not civil or conservative.

It's chaotic and crazy.

And the only thing left
to do is dump Trump.

Hell yeah.

These days, our party
acts more like a cult.

A cult worshipping a felonous thug.

Look, you don't have to agree with
every policy position of Kamala Harris.

I don't.

But you do have to recognize her
prosecutor mindset that understands

right from wrong, good from evil.

I don't.

She's a steady hand and will bring
leadership to the White House

that Donald Trump could never do.

Let me be clear to my Republican
friends at home watching.

If you vote for Kamala Harris
in 2024, you're not a Democrat.

You're a patriot.


said he has no friends at home.

In our family, my wife Brooke
and I are raising three boys

and we have a family motto.

And it says doing the right thing
will never be the wrong thing.

During 2020, during the.

Just the lowest of lows when we had
armed officers outside our house

protecting us from other Republicans.

Donald Trump had targeted us.

My son came downstairs and he
handed me this coaster that

I'd given him years before at a
father son retreat for our church.

And he said, Hey dad, doing the right
thing will never be the wrong thing.

Stay strong.

To my fellow Republicans at home
that want to pivot back towards

policy, empathy, and tone.

You know the right thing to do.

Now let's have the courage
to do it in November.

Thank you and God bless you.


Another Republican.

Another Republican.

You know.

I wonder if he was a plant.

Was he AI generated?

He wasn't a real Republican.

You know, Trump probably said let him go.

You know.

Let him go over there.


We're going to walk down
and I'll be there with you.

We're going to walk down to the Capitol.

Because you'll never take
back a country with weakness.

You have to show strength,
and you have to be strong.

We want Trump!

We want Trump!

It does look like we're going to have
an ad hoc march stepping off here.

There's a crowd surge heading east.

Mike Pence, I hope you're going to stand
up for the good of our constitution.

This is interesting.

Uh, we are Republicans.

We are Republicans.

We aren't Republicans.

We are MAGA.

Oh, interesting.

Sort of outside the Republican
and Democrat parties.

We're going to give a riot warning.

Yeah, we're out of here.

We're going to give a riot warning.

We're going to try to get compliance,
but this is now effectively a riot.

49 hours declaring it a riot.

Behind the 50B and behind, they're
trying to breach and get to the Capitol.

Hold the line!

Hold the line!

Hold the line!

We have a breach of the Capitol!

Breach of

the Capitol!

To the upper level!

My kids didn't have the courage to do what
should have been done to protect our kids!

Country and our Constitution.

Bring out.

We can't hold this.

We're gonna get too many people.

Look at this bandage.


We're trying to hold.

Yeah, area for the house members, they're
all walking over now to the tunnel.

We need to look down.

If we lose any more time, we may
lose the ability that leaves.

So for going to leave
We need to do it now.

We've lost the line.

We've lost the line.

All MPD pull back.

All MPD pull back and we'll put back ASAP.

H208 with four members.

The door's barricaded.

There's people flooded
the hallways outside.

We have no way out.

Officers still remaining
on the house floor.

So we can secure the
middles on the other side.


Get him up!

Get him up!

Get him up!

Get him up!

And if I win, I will be looking
very, very strongly at that pardons.

And I mean full pardons.

With an apology, just the many an apology,

they were peaceful people.

These were great people.

The crowd was unbelievable.

And I mentioned the word love,
the love, the love in the air.

I've never seen anything like it.


welcome Mississippi Representative

On January 6th, like most of my
colleagues, I had one goal to uphold

the votes of the American people, the
cornerstone of our American democracy.

But as what you just witnessed, let
me remind you that the members of

that ballot mob had another goal.

They wanted to stop the peaceful
transfer of power for the first

time in American democracy.

Thank God they failed.

Because in this country, we
settle our differences at the

ballot box, not through ballots.

It took a long time to get
here, and we are not going back.

Because I remember that dark history.

It's my own history.

In this life, my father never
cast a vote because of Jim Crow.

So I dedicated my career to protecting the
votes against violence and discrimination.

You can imagine what I felt on January
6th, when I saw with my own eyes.

Those insurrectionists
trying to take that away.

They did it to rob millions
of Americans of their votes.

They did it because Donald
Trump couldn't handle losing.

He lied about the election fraud.

He called his conspiracy
led mob to Washington.

He would rather subvert
democracy than submit to it.

Now he's plotting again.

His campaign proclaims that
elections won't end until

the moment of inauguration.

We will win or it was rigged.

We win or else.

This is Donald Trump's America.

Elections are about choice.

Choose democracy, not political violence.

This Choose the America we've
always taught our children to love.

Choose Kamala Harris.

Please welcome former United States
Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Ganel.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Before I begin, before I begin, I need
to acknowledge I need to acknowledge The

sacrifices of five officers who died as a
result of January 6th, May, on that day.

My name is Aquilino Gonel.

I immigrated to the U.


from the Dominican Republic when I was 12.

I became an American citizen.

I was a sergeant in the U.


Army and a Capitol Police officer.

I have seen violence
while serving in Iraq.

But nothing, nothing, nothing.

Prepare me for January 6th.

We officers risk everything
to protect innocent people.

We were beaten and blinded.

I was assaulted with a pole
attached to the American flag.

President Trump summoned our
attackers and sided with them.

He betrayed us.

When I joined the army in Capitol Police,
I took an oath to defend the Constitution.

I did so with duty in my
soul, and I still feel it.

To Donald Trump, I asked, Why don't you?

On January 6, I nearly died
protecting the Capitol, and I will

do it again for our democracy.

The way to preserve it is to elect.

Kamala Harris, our first
female Commander in Chief.

Hell yeah!

Please welcome New Jersey
Representative, Andy Kim.


I was a kid, my parents
brought me to the Capitol.

They taught me that it's sacred ground.

A symbol of our democracy.

When I got to Congress, I was
excited to bring my little boys

to the same beautiful building.

I asked them, do you like the Capitol?

And my oldest son Austin said, I
love the Capitol, and lowercase too.

They are so sweet.

But shortly after, we saw
something unimaginable.

A mob tearing down flags,
assaulting police officers.


That night, I walked into the rotunda.

The floor was covered in broken
glass and garbage, strewn with the

chaos unleashed by Donald Trump.

And I thought to myself,
how did it get this bad?

So I did the only thing I could think of.

I grabbed a trash bag
and started cleaning up.

What I learned on January 6th is
that all of us, all of us, are

caretakers for our great republic.

We can heal this country,
but only if we try.

Many of you are doing your part,
through your voices and your votes.

Always remember, this chaos that we
see, it doesn't have to be this way.

As a father, I refuse to believe
that our kids are doomed to

grow up in a broken America.

There is a hunger right now in
this country for a new generation

of leadership to step up.

Let's choose Kamala Harris.

Let's do this for our
kids and our grandkids.

Thank you.

Hello from a proud Texas Democrat!

This November, I'll cast my first
vote in a presidential election ever.

The fact is, our right
to vote is under attack.

I've seen it long way back.

People blocked from registering to vote.

Texans denied our voice.

Donald Trump's Republicans are
making it harder for us to vote.

But we won't let them get away with it.

And Kamala Harris won't let
them get away with it either.

She's fought for our freedoms.

She's fought for our voice.

Hell yeah.

We will only be heard if we vote.

As the saying goes, if you're not
at the table, you're on the menu.

So Gen Z, let's take our seat in our
democracy and cast our ballots this

November for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

And now, ladies and
gentlemen, American Icon.

Stevie Wonder.

Whoa, Stevie.

Stevie said he tired of seeing
all this going on in the world.

Oh, tired of seeing all of it, huh?

Tired of hearing all this.

I got it.

I love you.

So what song do you
think he's going to play?

I just want to say, I love you.

I love you.

Let's see what Stevie has.

Every song that I've sang, every
song that I've written, it's because

of my love for you right here.

Love you, Stevie.

This year, this year I've prayed very hard
for peace to come to our world's nations,

but also to each one of our hearts.

Even though our hearts have been
beaten and broken beyond prayer, I

know the important action and now
is the time to understand where we

are and what it will take to win.

Win the broken hearts.

Win the disenchanted.

Win the angry spirits.

Now is the time.

Hell yeah!

This is the moment to remember
when you tell your children

where you were and what you did.

As we, as we stand between history's
pain and tomorrow's promises, we

must choose courage over fear.

Over complacency.

It is time to get up and go back.

All right.

Don't be sitting down now, Duan.

Listen, the choice is clear,
clear than anyone else is saying.

Did you hear me?

Clear than anyone else is saying.

You feel me?

I feel you.

I feel you.

We need to choose joy over anger,

kindness over recrimination,
and peace over war.

Every time!

Hell yeah!

We must choose to be above the ugly
words, the hateful anger, and the

division those words and anger create.

We must keep on keeping on.

Until we truly are a united
people of these United States.

Hell yeah.

And then, and then, we
will reach a higher ground.

Are y'all ready?

Are y'all ready to reach a higher ground?


To reach a higher, higher, higher ground.

Tell me.


I wanna hear you, Aguila.


Are we ready?

Because you know we need Kamala Harris.


Yes, we do.


And a great man as we do have.

As a future vice president.

You know that.

So you know what?

I'm depending on you.

To do, as Spike Lee would
say, the right thing.



Are y'all ready?


Are y'all ready?

Are you ready?


Mosky, are you ready?

I'm ready, Steve.

Stanton, are you ready?

Everybody clap your hands like this!

Everybody clap your hands!





Now somebody scream!


Oh, they got some dancers out there too.

People, I want

y'all to sing it with me, come on.

People, y'all sing.

Keep on lying.

Soldiers, y'all sing, keep on going.


Keep on turning Because it won't
be too long Are you with me?

Oh oh oh Keep on lying
Why you people Oh, keep on

Till I reach my highest ground,
Till I reach my highest ground.

Somebody scream!

Didn't that, didn't that let
Stevie sing a second song?

Hopefully they'll get him
to sing a second song here.

Uh, maybe just one song combined.


would hate to be following
Stevie Wonder there.




I couldn't see the rest of y'all, but
from backstreet Nebraska was getting down.

Stevie's song is powerful,
but so was his words.

He said courage over complacency He gave
us a call in his remarks But now I got to

tell you the party is going to keep going

We're just getting started y'all
Just getting started That I am

very very excited about because
it might be Wednesday night And we

might be in chicago But, but, it's
starting to feel like something

I've wanted to say my whole life.

Live, from New York, it's Saturday Night!

Please welcome, Keenan.


Saturday Night Live.

That's right, man.

Hey, look at that.

Project 2025.

This could be your little
bit top story tonight, Juwan.

You're gonna have to read that book.

What's up, DNC?

All right.

Y'all remember this big
old book from before?

When Colorado Governor Jared
Polis ripped the page out of it.

This is Project 2025.

The Republican blueprint
for a second Trump term.

It is a, yeah, yeah, boo.

It is a real document that you can
read for yourself at KamalaHarris.

com forward slash project 2025.

You ever seen a document that
could kill a small animal and

democracy at the same time?

Here it is.

You know how when you download
an app And there are hundreds of

pages there that you don't read.

It's just the terms and conditions
and you just click agree, right?

Well, these are the terms and
conditions of a second Trump presidency.

You vote for him.

You vote for all of this.

Let's take a look.

All right.

Do we got Matt here with us tonight?

Is Matt here?

Hey, there he is.


How are you, sir?

All right, Matt.

Now, Matt.

I understand that you work as an
AV tech in Nevada, and you make a

decent hourly wage, is that right?

Oh, I don't know if we can hear Matt.

Can we hear Matt?

So who's gonna fix it?

Keep speaking, Matt, so we can hear you.

Oh, poor.

Okay, that's good.

I guess we're gonna move on from Matt.

Oh, his skit went down the hill.

And this is Becky.

Becky, can we hear you?

Hi, Kenan.

It's great to be here.

Thank you.

Alright, good.

Thank you.

Now, Becky, you're married, correct?

I am.

Me and my wife have been
together for about eight years.


that's amazing.

Very, very cute.

But I have got some bad news for you.

On page 584 project 2025 calls for
the elimination of protections.

For LGBTQ plus Americans.

So yeah, right back to the stone age.


I'm afraid so.

Right back to the stone age.

That's terrible.

Yeah, it is.

Thank you, Becky, for being here.

This skit's not going anywhere, Juwan.

All right.

Next up,

we have Nirvana.

Nirvana, are you with us?

And your people are with us as well.

All right, good.

Now, Nirvana, I understand that you
are on insulin to manage your diabetes.


Yes, and thanks to President Biden
and Vice President Harris, I only

pay 35 a month for my insulin.


great, that is great.


on page 465,

Project 2025 calls for millions of
people like yourself to pay more

for prescription drugs like insulin.



Well, I guess maybe to help Big Pharma
make more money that they can donate

to Republican politicians, I assume.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Yes, unfortunately, it does make sense.

All right, let's talk to Anita.

Anita, are you there?


Oh boy.

This is a bad skit, dude.


And, Anita, what do you do for a living?

I'm an OBGYN who delivers
babies and does surgery.


She is an OBGYN that delivers babies.

Uh oh.

Uh oh, yeah.

It's bad news, isn't it?

It sure is.

On page 459, Project 2025 resurrects a
law from the 1800s called the Comstock

Act to ban abortion nationwide and
throw healthcare providers in jail.

Oh my god,



Yes, it is awful.

Alright, let's do one more.

Is Sharia with us?

Sharia, are you there?

Hey Kenan, I'm here.

Yes, Sharia, I love it.

Alright, let's talk to you.

Um, I understand that you work
for the federal government?

Yes, I do.

Yes, sir.

I'm in the United States
Department of Education.

I'm a proud civil servant
and a proud union president.

She works for the Department of Education
and she's a proud civil servant.


unfortunately for you, on page 78,
Project 2025 calls for President

Trump to purge the civil service of
everyone who isn't a MAGA loyalist.

Are you a MAGA loyalist?

Now, Keena, absolutely not.

Hey, I'm just, I'm just asking.

I mean, you might as well Hell yeah.

Also, page 319 calls for
the complete elimination of

the Department of Education.

Hell yeah.

Yeah, there's just a, there's a
bunch of stuff in here, but that's

all we have time for at the moment.

Just remember, everything that we
just talked about is very real.

It is in this book.

You can read it online at KamalaHarris.

com forward slash.

Project 2025.

And most importantly, you can
stop it from ever happening by

electing Kamala Harris as the next
president of the United States.

Hell yeah.


that was,

that timing was so off,
it was not even funny.

It started off funny.

It started off, um, slow, especially
with Matt and I not being connected.

That should have been
texted longer for now.

Please welcome, award winning
producer and writer, Mindy Kaling.

She's an actress, isn't she?

Good evening,


I don't know.

Welcome to the Democratic
National Convention.

My name is Mindy Kaling.

For those of you who don't know me, I
am an incredibly famous Gen Z actress.

Who you might recognize from The Office.

Thank you.

The Mindy Project.

Or as a woman who courageously
outed Kamala Harris as Indian

in an Instagram cooking video.


Hell yeah.

You're welcome.

I'm so proud to be here
supporting my friend.

But the real reason I am here is that
deep down, I truly believe that as a

woman of color and as a single mother
of three, it is incredibly important

that I be appointed ambassador to Italy.

This works, right?

That's like why I'm here.

I've never been, I'm dying to go.

Guys, I just really need a break.

Um, I know it's not THE priority
tonight, but just think about it.

I am actually here because I have known
the Vice President for a long time,

and I want to tell you a story about
one of the first times I ever met her.

She wasn't Madam Vice President then.

She was my Senator.

And we were filming a video.

to my home to cook dosas,
a South Indian dish.

Yes, it's not every day that a senator
comes over, and I was pretty nervous.

But when she arrived, we
immediately hit it off.

We talked about the love we
have for our moms, who had

both passed away from cancer.

Both of our mothers were immigrants
from India, who came to America and

committed their lives to serving others.

My mother, Swati, became an OB GYN.

Thank you.

Kamala's mother, Shyamala, became a
scientist with a PhD who dedicated her

life to trying to find a cure for cancer.

And after speaking to Kamala,
it was clear to me that Shyamala

had passed down the same optimism
and fearlessness to her daughter.

But the thing I remember the
most about the Vice President

is that Kamala Harris can cook.

Guys, she was so much better than me.

But she also knew that
my family was watching.

So, as she gently corrected my
sloppy dose of making, she was

complimenting me every step of the
way, making sure that my daughter,

Kit, heard how good of a cook I am.

She had no desire to be seen
as better than anyone else.

She just wanted my kid to
be impressed with her mom.

And when she finally, and when she
finally bit into my dosa, she looked

at me and said, Mmm, really good!

And then never took another bite again.

Yes, yes.

But it is that warmth, that generosity
of spirit, That I know she will bring to

the White House as our next president.

Kamala Harris cares
deeply about other people.

She will fight to protect our freedoms.

Because those are the values that
her mother passed down to her.

But, in order to protect those freedoms,
Democrats also need to win the House.

So, we have a lot to do.

And please welcome to the stage, your next
Speaker of the House, Hakeem Jeffries.



Mary j Blige.

Good evening Democrats.

It's a high honor and a distinct
privilege as a Brooklynite

New Yorker and as an American.

To stand before you today and
unequivocally express my support for

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to be the
next President and Vice President

of the United States of America.

Over the last few years, House
Democrats have been hard at work

and we could not have asked for
a better leader to partner with.

President Joe Biden, who will
go down as one of the most

consequential presidents of all time.

Last month, President Biden selflessly
passed the torch to Vice President

Kamala Harris, who is ready, willing,
and able to fight for the people.

Kamala Harris is a courageous leader.

Yeah, a compassionate leader and a
common sense leader who will deliver

real results for everyday Americans.

Kamala Harris is fighting for our freedom.

Kamala Harris is fighting
for our families.

Kamala Harris is fighting for our future.

Together let's make Kamala
Harris, the 47th president of

the United States of America

in our great country.

When you work hard and play by the
rules, you deserve to earn a living wage.

You deserve to have an
affordable place to call home.

You deserve to educate your
children in a great public school

that is free from gun violence.

And you deserve high quality,
affordable health care.

And you deserve the chance
to one day retire with grace.

Hell yeah!

But for far too many people in our
great country, they are struggling

to live paycheck to paycheck.

And as a result, the American
dream is out of reach.

Here's the thing, extreme MAGA Republicans
don't care about everyday Americans.

They only care about themselves.

Our approach, led by Kamala Harris
and Coach Walz, is very different.

We care about you, the American people.

And we will fight hard to make sure
that the American dream is alive

and well in every single community.

Now the road ahead will not be easy.

Which brings me to you know who.

Donald Trump.

It's like an old boyfriend who you broke
up with, but he just won't go away.

He has spent the last four years spinning
the block, trying to get back into a

relationship with the American people.


We broke up with you for a reason.

Trump was the mastermind of the GOP tax
scam where 83 percent of the benefits went

to the wealthiest 1 percent in America.

Trump failed our country
during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Trump is a chaos agent
who is focused on himself.

Not the American people.

Hell yeah.

Trump tried to destroy our democracy by
lying about the election and inciting

a violent mob to attack the capitol,
Trump put three extreme justices on

the Supreme Court who destroyed Roe v.


We broke up with you for a reason.

Donald Trump can spin the block
all he wants, but there's no reason

for us to ever get back together.

Been there, done that,
we're not going back.

Boom, hell yeah, hell yeah.

Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris
and House Democrats will always

put people over politics.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats,
Kamala Harris and House Democrats.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats will
lower costs and grow the middle class.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats
will fix our broken immigration

system and secure the border.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats
will strengthen the relationship

between the police and the community.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats
will continue to combat the climate

crisis with the fierce urgency of now.

Kamala Harris and House Democrats will
protect Social Security, protect Medicare,

protect Medicaid, protect the Affordable
Care Act, protect working families,

protect small businesses, protect the
middle class, protect free enterprise,

protect our children, protect our
seniors, protect our veterans, protect our

unions, protect our dreamers, and always
protect a woman's freedom to make her

own reproductive health care decisions.


Game over.

Game over.

The Supreme MAGA Republicans want
to divide us, but the Constitution

promises equal protection under the law.

We are one nation, under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

Together, together, together, let's
build a brighter future for our

children, and our grandchildren.

In the Old Testament book of Psalms,
the scripture tells us that weeping

may endure during the long night,
but joy will come in the morning.

A lot of scripture being here.

Here's how we do it.

Strategize on Sunday.

Meet the moment on Monday.

Take it to them on Tuesday.

Work it out on Wednesday.

Thank the Lord on Thursday.

Fight the power on Friday.

Set it off on Saturday.

Get a few hours of sleep.

Wake up the next day.

And do it all over again.





Comes in the morning.


Now there's only

76 days left.

There are only 76 days left.

We must continue to speak up.

We must continue to show up.

We must continue to stand up.

Not as Democrats or
Republicans, but as Americans.

And when we do, nothing can stop Kamala
Harris from becoming the 47th President

of the United States of America.

Nothing can stop House Democrats
from taking back the majority.

Nothing can stop the American
people from continuing our march.

Toward a more perfect union.

Nothing can stop us.

We're all the way up.

God bless you God bless america.

Oh, no,

that was a good little speech there

Ruby is two years old.

I'm starting to think will she
be an iron worker like her dad

I hate to break it to you,
but I'm not a billionaire.

Donald Trump talked a big game
about bringing jobs back to

America, but it was all talk.

Like Foxconn.

This is the eighth wonder of the world.

Foxconn, by most estimates, has not
even come close to meeting expectations.

This whole project was a scam.

He is not looking out for the
residents, he's looking out for himself.

You know what Trump delivered?

Two trillion dollars in tax
cuts focused on his billionaire

buddies and big corporations.

Now you're rich as hell.

Uh, it makes me angry.

Billionaires don't pay
their share of the load.

And he wants to do that again.

Trump talked a massive
game about infrastructure.

What a joke.

We call it Infrastructure Week.

Infrastructure is the easiest of all.

We're gonna get this infrastructure going.

Trump was too incompetent to get it done.

Who's he looking out for?

Not us, not my family.

You know who got it done?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Biggest infrastructure package in history.

Infrastructure is just
a fancy word for jobs.

Not just union workers, but for everyone.

Small businesses are booming.

Communities are starting to thrive again.

I wish it was faster.

The prices are easing.

Kamala Harris helped deliver the
largest job growth in American history.

Wages are higher.

Manufacturing is booming.

We're building roads,
bridges, airports again.

That's a fact.

And we have health care.

When our middle class is
strong, America is strong.

Humboldt's goal is to rebuild the
middle class for families like mine.

Please welcome the 42nd president
of the United States, Bill Clinton.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Let me ask you something.


the last two days,

Aren't you proud to be a Democrat?

And I am very grateful to the Republicans
and Independents that have joined

us and been up here on the stage.

And I hope they feel better about it now.

Because I've seen all these things that
even I have to be reminded of from time

to time when I get my spirits down.

I love seeing the Obamas here.

I love seeing President Biden.

And, I thought Hillary
gave a great speech, too.

But I, I love seeing
all these young leaders.

A bunch of them are coming up after me.

They look better, they sound
better, and they'll be exciting.

I do want to say one word
about President Biden.


he had an improbable

turn that made him president.

And we were in the middle of a
pandemic and an economic crash.

He healed our sick and put
the rest of us back to work.


he strengthens our alliances.

He stood up for peace and security.

He stood up for Ukraine.

He was trying desperately to get
a ceasefire in the Middle East.

And then he did something that's
really hard for a politician to do.

He voluntarily gave up political power.


George Washington knew that.

And he did it.

And he set the standard for us serving
two terms before it was mandatory.

That's all.

It helped his legacy, and it
will enhance Joe Biden's legacy.

And it's a stark contrast to
what goes on in the other party.

So I want to thank him for his
courage, compassion, and leadership.

His class, his service, his sacrifice.

Joe Biden.

And he kept

the faith and he's infected
a lot of the rest of us.

Now let's cut to the chase.

I am too old to gill the lily.

Two days ago, I turned 78.

The oldest man in my family

And the only personal vanity
I want to assert is I'm still

younger than Donald Trump.

All right.


night in what I thought was a
very moving series of episodes, we

nominated Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz.


just think about that.

Two leaders with all American but
still improbable life stories.

It can only happen here.

Their careers, after all, started in
community courtrooms and classrooms.

Two leaders who spent a lifetime
getting the good job done.

Now, one of the things that I've
noticed over my increasingly

long life is that a presidential
election is unique in several ways.

First of all, it's the
greatest job interview for

the greatest job in the world.


the Constitution says we the
people get to do the hiring.

And the third thing is,

that every four years, we get to
change the requirements for the job.

So, here's what I'm thinking.

Because I try to apply
this in every election.

Will this president take
us backward or forward?

Will this president give
our kids a brighter future?


Will this president?

Bring us together or tear us apart.

Will the president increase the peace,
security and stability and freedom that we

enjoy and extend it to others as we can?

We the people,

we have to make a decision
about these kind of questions.

And every four years, it's a little
different because The people come at

the candidates, come at the candidates
and they say, as they're saying now,

here are our problems, solve them.

Here are our opportunities, seize them.

Here are our fears, ease them.

Here are our dreams.

Help them come through.

A president can answer that
call by saying, I'll do my

part, but you have to help me.

We have to work together.

Or you can dodge what needs to be done by
dividing, distracting, and diverting us.

So in 2024, we got a pretty clear choice.

It seems to me.

Kamala Harris for the people.


the other guy who's proved even
more than the first go around

that he's about me, myself and I.

I know which one I like
better for our country.

Kamala Harris.

We'll work to solve our problems,
seize our opportunities, ease our

fears, and make sure every single
American, however they vote, has

a chance to chase their dreams.

You know,

when she was young, she worked at
McDonald's, and she greeted every

person with that thousand watt
smile and said, How can I help you?

Now she's at the pinnacle of power and
she's still asking, how can I help you?

I will be,

I'll be so happy when she actually
enters the White House as president

because she will break my record.

As the president who spent
the most time at McDonald's


but we got an election to win.

And remember, we've got a guy
that's pretty good at what he does.

Donald Trump has been a
paragon of consistency.

He's still dividing.

He's still blaming.

He's still belittling other people.

He creates chaos and then
he sort of curates it

as if it were precious art.

Let me say, not a single day goes by,

even though I've been gone for well
over 23 years from the White House,

not a day goes by that I don't thank
the Lord for the chance I had to serve.

And what it meant.

And one of the reasons,
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

One of the reasons,

One of the reasons I love the job so much

is that in the toughest times, Even
on the darkest days, if you tried hard

enough, there was always something
good you could do for somebody else.

Now, some days that's not easy to do.

You've got to deal with all these
emergencies or there's something going

on here or there or yonder, but Kamala
Harris is the only candidate in this

race Who has the vision, the experience,
the temperament, the will, and yes,

the sheer joy to get something done.

I mean, look, what does your
opponent do with his voice?

He mostly talks about himself, right?

So the next time you hear
him, don't count the lies.

Count the eyes.


vendettas, his vengeance, his
complaints, his conspiracies.

He's like one of those tenors
opening up before he walks out on

stage like I did trying to get it.

Lungs open by singing
me, me, me, me, me, me.

When Kamala Harris is president every
day will begin with you, you, you, you.


we gotta ask ourselves the questions
that we're gonna hire a president.

Do you want to build a strong economy
from the bottom up in the middle out?

Or do you want to spend the
next four years talking about?

Crowd size.

You're going to have a hard time believing
this, but so help me, I triple checked it.

Since the end of the Cold War
in 1989, America has created

about 51 million new jobs.

I swear I checked this three times.

Even I couldn't believe it.

What's the score?

Democrats 50, Republicans 1.

Hell yeah!

Hell yeah!


I'm glad

that we've got a championship
winning coach on our team.

But, even the most limited of us in
what we know about football or any

other sport knows that if you're,
got 50 and the other side's got one.

You're ahead.

What about affordable housing?

It's a terrible problem in America now.

We need more.

And affordable health care.

That's why the Democrats put a limit
on monthly payments for insulin and

a 2, 000 a year out of pocket limit.

And are trying to cover more
drugs by bargaining for prices.

We need more financing
for small businesses.

We need still to strengthen our alliances.

I almost croaked in the first debate of
this election season when President Trump

said nobody respected America anymore
like they did when he was president.

Thank you.

Wait, wait.

And with a straight face,

look you gotta give him, he's a good
actor, with a, with a straight face he

cited as evidence of the respect that
existed for us when he was there, the

presidents of North Korea and Russia.


I'd rather have.

The people who respect us
now and one of the things,

one of the things is when you send
a signal to the other countries,

you want them to know whether they
agree with you or not, at least

that you're on the level that here's
where you are and what you believe.

What are they supposed to make
to these endless tributes to you?

To the late, great Hannibal Lecter.

I mean, President Obama once
gave me the great honor of saying

I was the explainer in chief.

Folks, I've thought and thought about
it, and I don't know what to say.

Like Hakeem Jeffries, I too want
an America that's more joyful, more

inclusive, more future focused.

Just think.

What a burden it's been on us to get
up day after day after day after day

buried in meaningless hot rhetoric when
there's so many opportunities out there,

so many problems that need to be solved.

I want that.

And that's the America
Kamala Harris will lead.

She's already made her
first presidential decision.

And she knocked it out of the park
when she asked Governor Tim Walz to

be her nominee for Vice President.

As they used to

say, uh, when I was a young man growing
up in Arkansas, you do not have to

be all broke out with brilliance.

You just look at Tim Walz, listen to
him, follow his record as a teacher, as

a coach, listen And the National Guard

is a congressman where he was the only
Democrat, save one, elected in that

district in more than a hundred years.

And he stayed a long time.

And then he became a great governor.


by all accounts, he was a
crack shot who had the courage.

Among his rural constituents to say, we do
not need these assault weapons available

to people who can kill our kids in school.

So armed with her first decision,

Kamala Harris confronts
an interesting dilemma.

We're going to walk out of here
feeling pretty good, I think.

We've got energy.

We are happy.

We feel like a loads off our shoulders

and we know we're just being asked to
fight the same fight that the forces of

progress have had to fight for 250 years

in the face of stiff and often violent


We have to find a way to go forward
together where we the people

make our union more perfect.


that's a good thing.

How could we possibly lose?

Kamala Harris has fought for
kids their whole life that

were left out and left behind.

She's taken on gangs
trafficking across the border.

She's fought to protect
the rights of homeowners.

She's been our leader in the fight.

for reproductive freedoms, and we
know a majority of the American

people are with us on that.

And she's gained an invaluable amount of
experience as vice president, advancing

our values and interests around the world.

She's already said she's going to
work really hard to make sure that

no American working full time lives
in poverty or has to worry about

their children living in poverty.

She says that we got to make home
ownership an achievable dream for

everyone, not just a privilege.

She said that it, and this meant
a lot to me, that she would

protect everybody's right to vote.

Whether or not they voted for
her, they were a citizen and

they deserve the right to vote.

The other day, her opponent implied
that if his people voted one more time,

they'd be able to rig it from now on
and they wouldn't have to vote again.

You think they're kidding, but
I know a lot of these folks.

And most of them are really good people.

But some of them think that they
are bound to dominate America

politically, economically, and socially.

And they have to use politics to do
it, and they should rig the system.

I don't believe that.

And, so, here's what I want to tell you.

We've seen more than one
election slip away from us.

When we thought it couldn't happen
when people got distracted by

phony issues or overcompetent.

This is a brutal, tough business.

I want you to be happy.

One of the reasons that
President to be Harris is doing

so well is it were also happy.

But you should never
underestimate your adversary.

And these people are really good
at distracting us, at triggering

doubt, at triggering buyer's remorse.

As the Obama said so eloquently last
night, they are human, you know.

They're bound to make
a mistake now and then.

We gotta be tough.

And so

As somebody who spends a lot of time in
small towns and rural areas in New York

and Arkansas and other places, I want, I
urge you to talk to all your neighbors.

I urge you to meet people where they are.

I urge you not to demean them,
but not to pretend you don't

disagree with them if you do.

Treat them with respect, just the
way you'd like them to treat you.

Ask for their help and then
follow our leader Kamala and

ask them how can I help you.

We Democrats right now have
a lot of hay in the barn.

We've got massive
achievements, massive advances.

But there's still a lot of
slips between today and election

day that we have to navigate.

And so

I want to say this from
the bottom of my heart.

I have no idea how many more of
these I'll be able to come to.

I started in 76 and I've
been everyone since.

But no,


Lord, I'm getting old.

But here's what I want you to know.

If you vote for this team,

if you can get them elected and let
them bring in this breath of fresh air,

you will be proud of it
for the rest of your life.

Your children will be proud of it.

Your grandchildren will be proud of it.

Hell yeah.

Take it.

From a man who once had the honor to
be called in this convention, the man

from hope, we need, we need Kamala
Harris, the president of joy to lead us.

Hell yeah.


I'll be doing my part.

You do yours.

I'll see you when we're making
a real joyful nose noise.

When the votes are counted, God
bless you and God bless America.


there he is.

Fleetwood Mac, his theme song there.

So what'd you think about that?


there is a speech there.

How is that single?

He took, he took his shots.

He took his shots.

He, I mean, you know, he's
true blue through and through.



Or top 76 is thank you, President Clinton.

So we definitely had a variety of
views about Clinton and his past

and everything from the chat.

But, um, as he said, you know,
that this might be his last one.

You never know.

It's definitely passing the
torch of the older generation,

especially in the democratic party.

It looks like.

Yeah, definitely.

I mean, the democratic party is going
to have to get younger, but he meet,

like you said, he took his shot.

He's younger than, than Trump.

Isn't that what he said?

Okay, let's see what's going on here with

Uh oh, the boss.

As speaker of the house was doing
was Brad, the mother of dragons.

Please welcome Nancy Pelosi.

Oh, here we go.


They didn't have Darth Vader music.

He's a tough woman, man.

Don't cross him.

Give me California on January 20th, 2021.

With the inauguration of Joe Biden
and Kamala Harris, we established

one of the most successful
presidencies of modern times.

And we quickly proved
that Democrats deliver.

Millions of jobs, stronger infrastructure
and rural broadband, a child, a Biden

child tax credit, rescuing human pensions.

honoring our veterans, bold
climate action, lowering the

cost of prescription drugs.

All thanks to President Biden's patriotic
vision of a fairer America, doing

so with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you, Joe.

Say no more.

Oh, she gave a love speech for Joe.

And I know that Vice President
Harris Kamala Harris is ready

to take us to new heights.

Say no more.

I've known Kamala Harris for decades.

Personally, I know her a person
of deep faith, which is reflected

in her community care and service.

Officially, she is a leader of strength
and wisdom and eloquence on policy.

Most recently demonstrated fighting
for a woman's right to choose.

Politically, she is astute and strategic
in winning difficult elections,

quickly securing the nomination
with dignity and grace, and choosing

Tim Walz as our Vice President.

I had the honor of serving with
Tim for 12 years in the Congress.

He united Democrats, Republicans, and
Independents to turn a red district blue.

He showed courage when he came to
Congress in voting for the Affordable

Care Act, meeting the needs of his
constituents, despite Republicans

lies and misrepresentation.

When he went home, won the election,
he returned to Congress, he fought for

our Americans heroes as the Democratic
leader of the Veterans Affairs Committee.

Thank you, Tim.

January 6th was a perilous
moment for our democracy.

Never before had a President of the
United States so brazenly assaulted the

bedrock of our democracy, so gleefully
embraced political violence, so

willfully betrayed his oath of office.

Let us not forget who assaulted
democracy on January 6th.

He did.

But let us not forget who
saved democracy that day.

We did.

And thank God we had a Democratic
House of Representatives then.

We returned to the Capitol
that very same night.

We insisted on certifying the
election results on the floors

of the House and the Senate.

And we demonstrated to America and to the
world that American democracy prevailed.

The parable of January 6th reminds
us that our democracy is only as

strong as the courage and commitment
of those entrusted with its care.

And we must choose leaders who believe
in free and fair elections, who

respect the peaceful transfer of power.

The choice couldn't be clearer.

Those leaders are Vice President
Harris and Governor Walz.

When the sun rose on January 7th,
as our national anthem declares,

we gave proof through the night
that our flag was still there.

Now, in this election, we are
called upon to do the same.

to stand together, to reject autocracy,
to choose democracy, and we will do

so by electing a Democratic House with
Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker of the House,

electing a Democratic Senate.

Electing Tim Walz as Vice
President of the United States.

And electing Kamala Harris as the
President of the United States.

Onward to victory!

Hell yeah!

Please welcome Alexander Hudlin,
Jasper Emhoff, and Arden Emhoff.

She didn't speak long.

Who's this?

Kamala Harris is our auntie.

She'll be a president
who cares for all of us.

She'll lift us up.

In 2016, we celebrated
auntie's senate win.

We saw Trump winning.

I was only nine, but I knew
enough to be concerned.

Auntie said, Do you know
what superheroes do?

They fight back.

And we will too.

She will make time for what matters.

You know, no one is busier than my auntie.

But she always makes time for family.

From moments as simple as
cooking and sharing a meal, to

exchanging stories and jokes.

Auntie taught me about being
present in what's important.

And I know that's how she'll lead.

She'll treat everyone with respect.

Even as a kid, Auntie made me feel
that I was seen, that my words are

important, that I am important and loved.

I know she'll value others perspectives,
no matter their age or their background.

Auntie, we love you.

We're so proud of you.

And most importantly, you're a baller.

And as you'd say, let's win this thing.

Let's win this thing!

I guess he's trying to get a little
human side of Vice President Harris.

If he were to get to know her.


Please welcome nominee for U.


Congress in California, Latifah Simon.

Uh oh, gotta give all the politicians
there three minutes to change.

It's Latifah Simon and I'm Chris.

Uh oh.

Tonight to tell you all about the Kamala

Harris that I know.

I'm gonna tell you.

Tell us.


When Kamala Harris was the
district attorney in San Francisco,

California, I was a teen mother.

Running an organization working to
end sex trafficking among beautiful

young women and girls to build the self
determination and power among those girls.

And Kamala learned about
the work that I was doing.

And she asked me to join her team.

And I joined her team.

She saw!

I saw my potential, my commitment, and
the good work that we could do together.

And I saw her.

I saw Kamala Harris holding the
hands of sexual assault survivors.

I saw scores of mothers.

who lost their babies to gun violence,
lining up day after day at the courthouse,

waiting only to speak to Kamala, because
they knew, they knew that she would hear

them, that she would truly see them.

Because there's something about
Kamala Harris, for those who know

her, you know, win, win, win.

She hears your story.

She carries it with her.

When she sees you, she truly sees you.

Hell yeah.

She truly sees you.

She is the best among us.

After working with Kamala
Harris day in and day out for

five years to create programs.

that supported young people to get
out of the criminal justice system

once and for all with good jobs.

Hell yeah.

With opportunity.

She wanted to get to the root cause
of a broken criminal justice system.

I saw her chip away.

She came early and she left
late every single day because,

you know, like those mothers.

When she goes into that Oval Office, she,
when she goes into that Oval Office, I

guarantee you, she will take all of us
with her, the single mothers, the low

income, so you are dying to survive.

The immigrants who are trying to work
towards the promise that she will take

us all, that she will take us all.

Look at that, she's firing up the crowd.

Is the Kamala Harris

so deeply.

That is the Kamala Harris that I love.

A woman

of the people.

A woman, a fierce woman, for the people.

Good night.


Hell yeah.

Well, she cut that thing short.

Please welcome former us associate
attorney general of the United

States and the vice president's
brother in law Tony West.

35 years ago, in my first
week at law school, I met a

new classmate, Maya Harris.

We became best friends, but the way
Kamala tells the story, we'd already

fallen in love by graduation day.

And when Maya and I married, I
not only gained a life partner

I love, a daughter I adore.

And a mother in law I revered, someone
I affectionately called Mother Harris.

I also gained a sister, a
sister I cherish, Kamala.

Now, Maya, Kamala, and I each pursued
different legal careers, but we

were motivated by the same values.

A belief in equal opportunity.

A yearning for fairness.

A passion for justice.

For justice.

Values Mother Harris taught
those two little girls.

Values that powered Kamala's public
service from the very beginning.

You know, one of Kamala's very first
cases in the district attorney's office,

it involved a woman, an innocent woman,
wrongfully arrested in a police raid.

It was a Friday afternoon
and the courthouse was

shutting down for the weekend.

And look, most prosecutors, they
would have gone home and dealt with

the matter the following Monday.

But not Kamala.

You see, my sister in law knew
that if the judge didn't see

this woman that afternoon, she'd
spend the entire weekend in jail.

And Kamala, she wondered,
does this woman work weekends?

Would she lose her job?

Does she have young kids at home?

Who'd feed those kids?

So Kamala pleaded for the judge to return
to the bench and to hear the matter.

And the judge agreed.

And within minutes, that woman was
released back to her family that night.

Now, it may seem small, but that's
what it means to stand up for justice.

That's what it means to
stand for the people.

And as Kamala says, when you know what
you stand for, you know what to fight for.

And, and look, believe me when I
tell you, as a sister, a daughter,

an auntie, and a mother, I've
seen Kamala fight for her family.

As District Attorney, Attorney General, U.


Senator, and Vice President of
the United States, I have watched

her fight in the halls of power
for those who have no voice there.

And as president, I know, I
know she'll fight for you.

She'll fight for all of us.

Because, friends, when
Kamala fights, we win.

Thank you.

God bless you.


crime against any one of us.

This is a crime against all of us.

The work that she did as Attorney
General was taking on issues to help

people who were trying to make a life
for themselves and their families.

When Kamala Harris came into office
in 2011, the most urgent economic

crisis facing communities throughout
California was the foreclosure crisis.

For too many Californians, hopes for
lasting home ownership have been dashed.

Victims have fallen prey to a
series of mortgage scams, fraud,

and unfair business practices.

In order to get meaningful relief,
we had to sue the banks and see

through a lengthy litigation process.

When Kamala was sitting at the table
negotiating, it wasn't just about

the money, it was about real people.

I vividly remember her thinking about
Mommy, who could finally afford to buy

her first home and how proud mommy was.

So Kamala knew what was at stake for
families and even whole communities.

We are very proud to announce a
tremendous victory for California.

She truly believes that every
single person, every American

is worthy of the promise and
the prosperity of this country.


Every time Kamala has run for a bigger
office, it's because she believes

that she can have a bigger impact.

We are making a commitment tonight
with this celebration of this Senate

race to bring our country together.

In the Senate, to get a position
on the Intelligence Committee

is very coveted because it is
about protecting our country.

Our nation's security and kind
of hit the ground running.

She would not let a witness off easily.

Did you have any communications
with Russian officials, uh, for

any reason during the campaign
that have not been disclosed?

Uh, I don't recall it.

I need to be correct as best I can.

I do want you to be honest.

I'm not able to, uh, be rushed this fast.

It makes me nervous.

The questioning of attorney general
Sessions was, was historic and she

earned the respect of colleagues
on both sides of the aisle.

Kamala as a senator was a truth teller.

She was there to expose what some of these
guys were and what they intended to do.

Can you think of any laws that
give government the power to make

decisions about the male body?


I'm not, I'm not thinking
of any right now, Senator.

They didn't know what hit them.

And in those moments, so many
people saw her for the first time.

And I saw how tough she was.

Would you accept them recommending
a charging decision to you if they

had not reviewed the evidence?

Well, that's a question for Bob Mueller.

He's the U.



I think you've made it clear,
sir, that you've not looked at

the evidence, and we can move on.

When she's on a mission, she
is determined and relentless.

When our fundamental values are being
attacked Do we retreat or do we fight?

I say we fight.

If you want to go forward in
this country, not go backward,

then there is only one choice.

Please welcome Nevada Senator
Catherine Cortez Masto.

Hello Chicago.

You know, before I was senator,

I was Nevada's Attorney General.

And that's when I met
Kamala Harris, my colleague.

in California.

Now, we bonded over many things.

And working together, I quickly
learned what kind of person she is.

She is a strong leader.

Here's how I know.

As AGs, we took on the big banks
after the foreclosure crisis.

And let me tell you, Kamala did not
settle for less than homeowners deserve.

Her leadership, yeah, her
leadership helped win billions

for working families nationwide.

Delivering for families,
that's Kamala Harris.

Kamala and I also worked to
protect our southern border.

During that time, Kamala invited
a group of AGs across the border

to meet with Mexican officials.

Now, we worked together to put
transnational criminals and

drug smugglers behind bars.

Holding criminals accountable,
that's Kamala Harris.

And when we took on human
traffickers, Kamala had us meet

with survivors so that we could
understand who we were fighting for.

Standing up for justice,
that's Kamala Harris.

So trust me, trust me when I
say, I know she will fight for

our families and our freedoms.

Now we must fight for her.

Every vote matters.

I know, in 2016, Nevadans elected me,
the granddaughter of a baker from Mexico.

To serve as the first Latina
in the United States Senate.

I'll tell you what.

And in 2022, my re election
came down to 7, 928 votes.

Because of voters in Nevada, the
Democrats won the Senate majority.

And I'm here to tell
you, we can do it again.

We can send Kamala Harris and
Tim Walz to the White House.

Are we ready to do it?

Are we ready to fight?

Let's get it done, Chicago.

Thank you, everyone.

Please welcome Pennsylvania
Governor Josh Shapiro.

Thank you.

Two and a half centuries ago.

In Philadelphia, a band of patriots
declared their independence

from a king and set ourselves
on a path of self determination.

Generation after generation has
embraced that responsibility.

Ordinary Americans, rising up,
demanding more, seeking justice, and

in every chapter of our American story.

We've made progress and
advanced the cause of freedom.

Today, well today we find ourselves
writing that next chapter.

Will we be a nation defined
by chaos and extremism?

Or will we choose a path of decency,
honor, and continued progress?

Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris.

Well, she has spent her
entire career making progress.

Donald Trump, a man with no
guardrails, wants to take away

our rights and our freedoms.

And listen.

While he cloaks himself in the
blanket of freedom, what he's

offering isn't freedom at all.

Because hear me on this, it's not
freedom to tell our children what

books they're allowed to read.

No, it's not.

And it's not freedom to tell women
what they can do with their bodies.

And hear me on this, it
sure as hell isn't freedom.

You can go vote, but he
gets to pick the winner.

That's not freedom.

But you know what?

You know what, Democrats?

We, we are the party of real freedom.

That's right.

The kind of real freedom that comes
when that child has a great public

school with an awesome teacher
because we believe in her future.

Real freedom.

Real freedom that comes when we invest
in the police and in the community,

so that child can walk to and from
school and get home safely to her mama.

Real freedom.

Real freedom that comes when she can join
a union, marry who she loves, Start a

family on her own terms, breathe clean
air, drink pure water, worship how

she wants, and live a life of purpose
where she is respected for who she is.

Hell yeah.

Real freedom.

Real freedom comes when she
can look at Madam President.

And know that this is a nation where
anything and everything is possible.

That is real freedom, and that
is what we are fighting for.

Hell yeah.

You know,

Kamala and Tim's names may be on
the ballot, but it's your rights.

It's our rights.

It's our future and freedoms
that are on the line.

And you have the power.

To shape the future of this country,
just like our ancestors, our

ancestors who fought for freedom on
the battlefield and sat in at lunch

counters so our kids could stand up.

Hell yeah.

Now, now it's on us.

It's on us, my friends to organize in
our communities and on our for you pages

around three basic American principles.

We value our freedom.

We cherish our democracy.

And we love this country!


And listen,

we love this country.

And listen, despite our challenges,
hear me on this, I want you to know,

I have never been more hopeful.

Because I see in all of you,
the enduring promise of America.

E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one.

It's not merely a motto from the past,
it's our direction for the future.

You see, you all give me hope
and you all have the power.

So let's use that power.

Let's do the hard work necessary
to win this election and write the

next chapter in our American story.

So are you ready to protect our rights?

Are you ready to secure our freedoms and
are you ready to defend our democracy?

Yes, and are you ready to elect?

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!


America, let's get to work!


Please welcome author, activist, and
youngest presidential inaugural poet

in American history, Amanda Gorman.

She spoke at the presidential


We gather at this hallowed place because
we believe in the American dream.

We face a race that tests if this
country we cherish shall perish

from the earth, and if our earth
shall perish from this country.

It falls to us to ensure that we do
not fall for a people that cannot

stand together, cannot stand at all.

We are one family, regardless
of religion, caste, or creed.

Class or color, for what defines
a patriot is not just our love of

liberty, but our love for one another.

This is loud in our country's call,
because while we all love freedom,

it is love that frees us all.

Empathy, Emancipates, making
us greater than hate or vanity.

That is the American promise.

Powerful and pure divided.

We cannot endure, but united we can
endeavor to humanize our democracy

and endear democracy to humanity

and make no mistake.

Cohering is the hardest
task history ever wrote.

But tomorrow is not ridden by our odds
of hardship, but by the audacity of

our hope, by the vitality of our vote.

Only now, approaching this rare air, are
we aware that perhaps the American dream

is no dream at all, but instead, a dare.

To dream together,

like a million roots tethered,
branching up humbly, making one tree.

This is our country from many, one,
from battles, one, our freedom.


Our kingdom come has just begun.

We redeem this sacred scene ready
for our journey from it together.

We must birth this early republic
and achieve an unearthly summit.

Let us not just believe
in the American dream.

Let us be worthy.


was good.

Oh yeah.

I have no talent in
poetry writing for sure.

I know you're working on a book, so
maybe we'll get to read it one day.

The community.


make sure you get it
done before I retire now.

I don't know what it means.


Let me think about that for a second.

The spirit of freedom.

Appreciate that.

For me?

And that's a lot of
scratch and super chat.

Vote early, vote often.

Appreciate that.

The ability to live with friends.

Be who you want to be.

Go where you want to go.

Living your life day to day.

Having new chapters in that life.

I believe in having your own words
and being able to do what you want to.

The freedom to raise our
family in healthy communities.

The idea that I can turn to my
partner, my husband, and say I love

you with every bean of my soul.

Being able to start a family when I
want to, um, being able to, you know,

support the missions that I want to,
to go to the church that I want to.

Not everyone has the same opportunities,
but the United States is, of anywhere I've

ever been, just one place where you can
The big, fantastic thing about America

is that it is the land of opportunity.

I know it sounds trite,
but it's the truth.

I grew up, uh, with a single mom,
and she really imbued in me these

qualities that you just really
have to care about your neighbors

and your family and your friends.

I feel like the American Dream
is, uh, It's having opportunities,

having opportunity to go to college
if you want to, having opportunity

to get any job you can, no matter
who you are or where you come from.

The American dream is about having
the ability to make choices about your

medical care and to do whatever you
want to do with your life without.

Anybody telling you if it's good enough?

We are in an incredible moment in history.

We've seen women stripped of
their most fundamental right

to autonomy over their bodies.

The freedom to make choices about
your body, your life, your career.

should be entirely in your control.

But I have found that good
people want to do good things.

That you find a way to move forward
under ugly and scary circumstances.

The work that lies ahead is to make
America live up to its highest ideals.

And, uh, you know, we're
proud to go to work.

The work to build a better future really
depends on all of us coming together.

We have to bring back
that respect for everyone.

I don't think we're as divided as we seem.

Let's come together as one big nation.

I feel like we are on the verge of
something very amazing in this country.

It makes me want to fight.

For our children and future generations
to ensure they have just as many, if

not more freedoms than we had, I believe
in a future where my mom can feel safe,

no matter where she is in the country,
a future that is filled with a healthy

and vibrant planet where families are
not separated by fences or jail bars.

It's a future in which
we all get what we need.

I want to say that for people
who are younger than me.

Hopefully the kids I teach
can chase their dreams and

believe in what they want to be.

I want a future for him that he knows
that he's covered and protected.

Everyone should think about what we
can leave to the next generation.

It's our, our responsibility.

It's what we have to do.

My name's Tyler.

My name's Yvette.

And we believe in love.

I'm Alex.

I'm Kiara.

My name is Steven.

My name is Charlie.

I'm a proud seventh generation Texan.

I am from Waterford, Michigan,
just north of Detroit.

I'm from East Tennessee.

And we believe in the American Dream.

We believe in a better world for our
child and we believe in this country.

My name is Karen and I believe in justice.

My name is Nancy.

My name is Tarot.

My name is Jennings.

My name is Dana.

My name is Todd.

And we believe in freedom.

My name is Gina and I believe in freedom.

My name is Pat and I believe in
the freedom to work together.

Please welcome.

Oprah Winfrey.


I didn't see that one.


I thought she would be coming tomorrow.

Probably have Tyler Perry tomorrow.

Ooh, that would be a good one.

Who says you can't go home again?

Oh yeah, she is from Chicago.


Hell yeah!

After watching the Obamas last night,
that was some epic fire, wasn't it?

Some epic fire.

We're now so fired up, we can't
wait to leave here and do something!

Hell yeah!

And what we're going to do is, I

am so honored to have been asked
to speak on tonight's theme about

what matters most to me, to you,
and all of us Americans, freedom.

Hell yeah.

There are people who want
you to see our country.

As a nation of us against them, people who
want to scare you, who want to rule you,

people who'd have you believe that books
are dangerous and assault rifles are safe.


That there's a white way to worship
and a wrong way to love people who seek

first to divide and then to conquer.

But here's the thing.

When we stand together, it
is impossible to conquer us.

Hell yeah!

In the words of an extraordinary
American, the late Congressman John Lewis,

he said, no matter what ship
our ancestors arrived on, we

are all in the same boat now.

Hell yeah!

Congressman Lewis knew very well how
far this country has come because he

was one of the brilliant Americans
who helped to get us where we are.

Hell yeah!

But he also knew that
the work is not done.

The work will never be done
because freedom isn't free.

America is an ongoing project.

It requires commitment.

It requires being open to the
hard work and the heart work.

of democracy.

And every now and then, it requires
standing up to life's bullies.

Hell yeah!

I know this.

I've lived in Mississippi, in Tennessee,
in Wisconsin, Maryland, Indiana, Florida,

Hawaii, Colorado, California, and S S S

S California,

and sweet home Chicago, Illinois!

Hell yeah!


I have actually traveled this country
from the redwood forest, love those

redwoods, to the Gulf Stream waters.

I've seen racism and sexism and
income inequality and division.

I've not only seen it, at times I've
been on the receiving end of it.

But more often than not, what
I've witnessed and experienced are

human beings, both conservative and
liberal, who may not agree with each

other, but who'd still help you in
a heartbeat if you were in trouble.

These are the people who make me
proud to say that I am an American.


are the best of America.

And despite what some
would have you think,

we are not so different
from our neighbors.

When a house is on fire, we don't ask
about the homeowner's race or religion.

We don't wonder who their
partner is or how they voted.

No, we just try to do the
best we can to save them.

And if the place place happens to
belong to a childless cat lady.

Hell, yeah.

Oh, well.

We try to get that cat out too.

Hell yeah.

Hell yeah.

Cause we are a country of people
who work hard for the money.

We wish our brothers and sisters
well and we pray for peace.

We know all the old tricks and
tropes that are designed to distract

us from what actually matters.

But we are beyond ridiculous
tweets and lies and foolery.

These are complicated times, people,
and they require adult conversation.

And I welcome those conversations,
because civilized debate is vital to

democracy, and it is the best of America.

Now, over the last couple of nights, we
have all seen brave people walk onto this

stage and share their most private pain.

Amanda and Josh, Kaitlyn, Hadley, they
told us their stories of rape and incest

and near death experiences from having the
state deny them the abortion that their

doctor explained was medically necessary.

And they've told us these things for one
reason, and that is to keep what happened

to them from happening to anybody else.

Because if you do not have
autonomy over this Over this,

if you cannot control when and how
you choose to bring your children into

this world and how they are raised and
supported, There is no American dream.

Say no more.

The women and men who are battling to
keep us from going back to a time of

desperation and shame and stone cold
fear, they are the new freedom fighters.

And make no mistake, they
are the best of America.

I want to talk now about somebody
who's not with us tonight.

Tessie Prevost Williams was born
in New Orleans not long after the

Supreme Court ruled that segregated
public schools were unconstitutional.

That was in 1954, same year I was born.

But I didn't have to head to
first grade at the all white

Madonna 19 school with a U.


marshal by my side like Tessie did.

And when I got to school The building
wasn't empty like it was for Tessie.

You see, rather than allowing Madonna
to be integrated, parents pulled their

kids out of the school, leaving only
Tessie and two other little black girls,

Gayle Etienne and Leona Tate, to sit
in a classroom with the windows papered

over to block snipers from attacking.

They're six year old bodies.

Tessie passed away six weeks ago, and
I tell this story to honor her tonight.

Because she,

she, like Ruby Bridges, and her
friends, Leona and Gail, the New

Orleans Four, they were called.

They broke barriers, and
they paid dearly for it.

But it was the grace and guts of And
courage of women like Tessie Prevost

Williams that paved the way for another
young girl who nine years later became

part of the second class to integrate the
public schools in Berkeley, California.

And it seems to me that at school
and at home, Somebody did a beautiful

job of showing this young girl how
to challenge the people at the top

and empower the people at the bottom.

They showed her how to look at the world
and see not just what is, but what can be.

They instilled in her a passion
for justice and freedom and

the glorious fighting spirit
necessary to pursue that passion.

And soon and very soon, soon and

very soon, we're going to be teaching our
daughters and sons about how this child

of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father,
two idealistic, energetic immigrants,


How this child

grew up to become the 47th
president of the United States!


Game over.

That is the best of


You know, you know, let me tell you this.

This election isn't about us and them.

It's about you and me.

And what we want our futures to look like.

There are choices.

to be made when we cast our ballot.

Now there's a certain candidate that says,
if we just go to the polls this one time,

that we'll never have to do it again.

Well, you know what?

You're looking at a registered
independent who's proud to vote again

and again and again because I'm an
American and that's what Americans do.

Voting is the best of America.

And I, I have always, since I was eligible
to vote, I've always voted my values.

And that is what is needed in
this election, now more than ever.

So I'm calling on all you
independents and all you undecideds.

You know this is true.

You know I'm telling you the truth.

That values and character are important.

Matter most of all

in leadership and in life
and more than anything.

You know, this is true that decency
and respect are on the ballot in 2024.

Say no more.

And, and just plain common sense.

Common sense tells you.

That Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
can give us decency and respect.

They're the ones that give it to us.

So, we are Americans.

We are Americans.

Let us choose loyalty to the Constitution
over loyalty to any individual.

Because, because that's
the best of America.

And let us choose optimism over cynicism.

Because that's the best of America.

And let us choose
inclusion over retribution.

Let us choose common sense over nonsense.

Hell yeah!

Because that's the best of America.

And let us choose the sweet
promise of tomorrow over the

bitter return to yesterday.

We won't go back.

We won't be set back.

Push back, bullied back, kicked back.

We're not going back.

Hell yeah.



Not going back.

Uh oh.

Not going back Juan.

So, us choose.

Let us choose.

Truth or Dare.

Let us choose honor and let us choose joy!

Because that's the best of America!

But more than anything else,
let us choose freedom, why?

Because that's the best of America!

We're all Americans, and together,
let's all choose freedom Kamala Harris!

Hell yeah!

Say no more!


Juwan, what do you think about that?

I say that's the second best
speech outside of Michelle Obama.

It's still my top one.



Um, I thought it was, I thought it
was a great speech, you know, and

the one thing that I focus on is
we're all Americans, you know, but

sometimes it doesn't feel that way.

It feels like a divided nation.

So I've got Michelle, uh, and
then Oprah and then Barack is

my top three at this point.

We see if Tim Walls and Vice
President Harris can knock him off.

He wanted to know what interested you,
how to engage you, what you were excited

about, what you're feeling bad about.


Walls was my geography and
social studies teacher.


Walls was my football coach, my
middle school basketball coach.

When we were doing the high school play,
the nerd, he was the person building.

I don't think that there, uh, has
ever been a moment where I've seen

Tim exhausted from giving or engaging.

He always seems like that person
that's got the never ending

gas tank who can keep going.

When I decided to come out as gay,
we started the Gay Straight Alliance.

Tim Walls was the faculty advisor.

We saw him not only as a teacher,
but a mentor and a leader.


Walls was a, was a really big part
in, in helping build this community.

And he's a big reason why
I became a teacher myself.

It was inspiring being
in, in his classroom.

Please welcome Maryland
Governor Wes Moore.

Thank you.

Thank you.

On March 26th,

at 1.

30 in the morning, a container
ship the length of three football

fields slammed into the Francis
Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

And the bridge collapsed.

A port that drives 13 percent of
our state's economy collapsed.

Was now close.

Thousands of workers were hours
away from waking up and realizing

they no longer had a job.

Six Marylanders who had been on the
bridge in the middle of the night

fixing potholes lost their lives.

And one of the first phone
calls that I got that morning

started with these three words.

Dove, it's Kamala.

She said, I know you spoke to the
president and I want you to know we are

here with you every step of the way.


I joined the army when I was 17.

In fact, I was too young
to sign the paperwork.

I had to ask my mom to sign the paperwork
for me because I don't have bone spurs.


Say no more!




I led soldiers in combat in Afghanistan.

And my training, my training, taught
me that you never learn anything

about anybody when times are easy.

You learned everything you need
to know about somebody when times

are hard, and when the temperature
gets turned up, and America, I saw

that Kamala Harris is the right one
to lead in this moment firsthand.

And united,

with the almighty God's grace,
we brought closure to the

families of the six victims.

And while many said it could take
11 months to reopen the port of

Baltimore, we got it done in 11 weeks.

Hell yeah!

Because that is the story of America.

We are a nation of patriots who serve
when the mission is hard and who serve

when the destination is uncertain.

And I know our history is imperfect.

The unevenness of the
American journey to this day.

has made some skeptical.

But I'm not asking you to
give up your skepticism.

I just want that skepticism to be
your companion and not your captor.

And I'm asking that you
join us in the work.

Because making America great doesn't
mean telling people you're not wanted.

And loving your country does not
mean lying about its history.

Making America great means saying
the ambitions of this country would

be incomplete without your help.

It's the legacy of those six workers who
fixed potholes on a bridge while we slept.

Who were born in a different
country, but who knew that America

was big enough for them too.

It's the journey.

It's the journey of a man raised by a
remarkable immigrant single mom, a man who

felt handcuffs on his wrists at 11 years
old, who now stands before you as the 63rd

governor of Maryland and the first black
governor in the history of our state.

It's the story.

It's the story of a prosecutor
who defended our freedoms and had

Maryland's back when we needed it most.

And now MVP, we've got your back as well.


It's my fellow veteran, my brother,
and the next vice president of

the United States, Tim Walz.

And now Tim, Tim knows that
in the military, you count the

days towards mission completion.

So guess what, y'all?

We have got 75 days and a
wake up until Election Day.

Hell yeah!

75 days and a wake up for us to prove what
Americans can do when the pressure is on.

75 days and a wake up for us to show that
true patriots do not whine and complain.

We put our heads down and we get to work.

75 days and a wake up to build a future.

That those who came after, those
who came before us hoped for.

And those who come after
us that they deserve.

And 75 days and a wake up to
elect a leader who is willing

to believe in the best of us.

And that leader is Kamala Harris, the
next president of the United States.

God bless you, and let's
leave no one behind.

Please welcome, former
South Bend, Indiana mayor.

Pete Buttigieg.

Mayor Pete.

Thank you.

Good evening, Democrats.

Thank you, Chicago.

Here's a sentence I never
thought I'd hear myself saying.

I'm Pete Buttigieg, and you
might recognize me from Fox News.

I believe in going anywhere, anywhere,
in service of a good cause, and

friends, we gather in a very good
cause, Electing Kamala Harris and

Tim Walz the next President and
Vice President of the United States.

The choice could not be clearer.

Donald Trump rants about law and order.

As if he wasn't a convicted criminal
running against a prosecutor.

As if we were going to forget that
crime was higher on his watch.

Talks about the forgotten man.

Hoping we'll forget that the only
economic promise that he actually

kept was to cut taxes for the rich.

And don't even get me started
on his new running mate.

At least Mike Pence was polite.



Vance is one of those guys who thinks
if you don't live the life that he has

in mind for you, then you don't count.

Someone who said that if you don't
have kids, you have, quote, no physical

commitment to the future of this country.

You know, Senator, when I deployed to
Afghanistan, I didn't have kids then.

Many of the men and women who went
outside the wire with me didn't have

kids either, but let me tell you,
our commitment to the future of this

country was pretty damn physical.

Hell yeah!

Mmm, Mayor Pete!

Brain heat!

Choosing a guy like J.


Vance to be America's next Vice
President sends a message, and the

message is that they are doubling
down on negativity and grievance.

Committing to a concept of campaigning
best summed up in one word,

Darkness is what they are selling.

The thing is, I just don't
believe that America today is

in the market for darkness.

I believe America is ready
for a better kind of politics.

Yes, politics at its worst can
be ugly, crushing, demeaning,

but it doesn't have to be.

At its best, politics can be
empowering, uplifting, it can

even be a kind of soul craft.

My faith teaches me that the world
isn't made up of good people and

bad people, but rather that each
of us is capable of good and evil.

And I believe leaders matter because
of what they bring out in each of us.

The good or the bad.

Right now the other side is appealing
to what is smallest within you.

They're telling you that greatness
comes from going back to the past.

They're telling you that anyone
different from you is a threat.

They're telling you that your
neighbor, or nephew, or daughter,

who disagrees with you politically,
is a threat to you politically.

Isn't just wrong, but is now the enemy.

I believe in a better politics.

One that finds us at our most
decent, and open, and brave.

The kind of politics that Kamala
Harris and Tim Walz are offering.

And as you have felt these many
days, that kind of politics also

just feels better to be part of.

There is joy in it, as well as power.

And if all of that sounds naive,
let me insist that I have come

to this view with a purpose.

Not by way of idealism,
but by way of experience.

Not just the experience
of my unlikely career.

Someone like me, serving in Indiana.

Serving in Washington.

Serving in uniform.

I'm thinking of something much more basic.

I'm thinking of dinner time
at our house in Michigan.

When the dog is barking, and the
air fryer is beeping, and the

mac and cheese is boiling over.

And it feels like all the political
negotiating experience in the world

is not enough for me to get our
three year old son and our three

year old daughter to just wash
their hands and sit at the table.

It's the part of our day when
politics seems the most distant.

And yet the makeup of our kitchen
table, the existence of my family,

is just one example of something
that was literally impossible.

As recently as 25 years ago, when
an anxious teenager growing up

in Indiana wondered if he would
ever find belonging in this world.

This kind of life went from
impossible to possible.

From possible to real.

From real to almost ordinary
in less than half a lifetime.

But, that didn't just happen.

It was brought about.

Through idealism and courage, through
organizing, and persuasion, and

storytelling, and yes, through politics.

The right kind of politics.

The kind of politics that can make an
impossible dream into an everyday reality.

I don't presume to know what
it's like in your kitchen.

But I know, as sure as I am standing
here, that everything in it, the

bills you pay at that table, the
shape of the family that sits there.

The fears and the dreams that you
talk about late into the night there.

All of it compels us to demand
more from our politics than a rerun

of some TV wrestling deathmatch.

So this November, we get to choose.

We get to choose our president.

We get to choose our policies.

But most of all, we will
choose a better politics.

A politics that calls us to our better
selves and offers us a better every day.

That is what Kamala Harris
and Tim Walz represent.

That is what Democrats represent.

That is what awaits us when America
decides to end Trump's politics

of darkness once and for all.

That is what we choose when we
embrace the leaders who are out there

building bridges and reject the ones
who are out there banning books.

This is what we will work for every day.

To November and beyond.

So let's go win this.


Hell yeah.

Seeing Governor Walz going to Congress
and then becoming governor, I see

the guy that was a first sergeant.

I see a guy that's full
of energy, always busy.

And like he says, you get enough
time to sleep when you're dead.

I first met Governor Walz and Congressman
Walz when I was transitioning out of

the Marine Corps, going back to school.

You really wanted to know what
the experience, uh, was of those

that were actually using the GI
Bill and how it could be improved.

It seemed to be a continuation of focus
on improving the lives of veterans.

Governor Rawls in our unit
always would say his catchphrase

was, We'll get it done.

And we always did.

The way I've seen him carry himself,
uh, over, over the years in Congress

and the way he works for veterans.

There's no excuse making,
there's no scapegoating, it's

just accomplish the mission.

Governor Walz has been that way
and always will be that way.

Having Governor Walz on the House Veteran
Affairs Committee was instrumental

in getting the Post 9 11 GI Bill not
only introduced, but also passed.

When Governor Walz wants
change, it'll happen.

Back to the Guard.

Please welcome EGOT winning multi
platinum artist and activist, John

Legend, and Queen of Percussion, Sheila E.

Ooh, okay, got a little music here.

Little Prince there.


Didn't see her in a while.

Yeah, hadn't seen her in a while.

Let's drive.

I asked the community if this was
better than Kid Rock at the RNC, so.


Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
are elected this November.

They're going to protect our freedoms.

The freedom to read
whatever books you want.

The freedom to work one
job and afford your rent.

And Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
will protect your freedom to

start a family on your own terms.

And if you ask me, that is
something worth fighting for.

So guys, let's do it.

It's time.

Let's nominate the next Vice
President of the United States,

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

And to take us there, and to take us
there, please welcome to the stage,

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.


I think that I'm Okay!

That was a warm up act.

On behalf of the great state of
Minnesota, where purple reigns,

I stand before you in support of
our next vice president, Tim Walls.

In Minnesota, we trust a coach.

Who turned a team that was 0
and 27 into state champions.

In Minnesota, we trust a
hunter who has stood in a deer

stand in 10 degree weather.

In Minnesota, we trust a candidate
who has made a viral video on how

to change a burnt out headlight.

And I know.

We aren't alone.

But in Minnesota, we love a dad in plaid.

So Tim and I go way back.

He taught high school right down the
road from where my husband John grew up.

My mother in law even
brought him and Gwen.

We're going to have a Parmesan chicken
dinner when their son was born.

That's what we do in America.

We look out for our neighbors.

Tim has been doing that his whole life.

On the farm and in the factory.

With his students and his
fellow service members.

And the truth is, that matters.

Who better to take on the price of gas?

than a guy who could pull
over to help change your tire?

Who better to serve our nation than
a guy who has served in uniform?

Who better to find common ground than
a guy with Midwestern common sense?

A former football coach knows
how to level the playing field.

And a former public school teacher
knows how to school the likes of J.



What you've done with your life matters.

And what you do with power matters, too.

Tim has delivered paid leave,
school lunches, and the biggest

tax cut in Minnesota history.

A Democrat from a red
district in a purple state.

Tim has brought Minnesota together,
and together with Vice President

Kamala Harris, I know he will
do the same for our nation.

America, there is so much that we
share, so much that connects us.

Way up north in Minnesota, out of Lake
Itasca, flows the Mississippi River.

It starts small, and it grows wider.

It flows down to Wisconsin, and

to Iowa.

It goes down to Illinois, and to Missouri.


goes to Kentucky, and Tennessee.

It goes to Arkansas.

It goes way down to Mississippi.

Hell yeah.

And then it goes all the way down to
New Orleans, Louisiana, where the spirit

of our nation's resilience abounds.

So let us commit here and now to
cross the river of our divides

to get to a higher ground.

And let us join together to
elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!

Please welcome Ben Ingman from Minnesota.

Tim Walz is the kind of guy you can
count on to push you out of a snowbank.

I know this because Tim Walls
has pushed me out of a snowbank.

I grew up next door to
the Wallses in Mankato.


Walls was also my geography
teacher and my coach.

Not for high school football, but
for 7th grade basketball and track.

So, what was a high school
football coach doing coaching

7th grade basketball and track?

Well, there was a kid in the high school
who couldn't afford to pay for lunch.

And he ran up a lot of debt.


And Tim and Gwen decided
they'd help pay it off.

They started calling around the
district to see if there were any

positions they could fill to make a
little extra money, and that's how

he wound up coaching us 7th graders.

That's right.

Coach Walls got us excited about
what we might achieve together.

He believed in us, and he
helped us believe in each other.

And his leadership stuck.

That track team went on to win a state
title, just like the football team.

That's right.

Speaking of which, come on out, Scarlets!



What in the heck is this?

Football squad, you see it?

Looks like a bunch of, uh,
guys, uh, drink too much beer.

We got the dad bods.

We gotta appreciate the dad bods.

Ha ha!

Your wife would be yelling at
you, you look like that, man.

She'd hide the food from
you if you look like that.

Oh my goodness.

All this got me thinking about
the kinds of leaders we need.

We want the people in charge to be
genuine, compassionate and trustworthy.

The thing is, there are people in our
neighborhoods who fit this description.

The kind of people who display
quiet leadership by helping

kids pay for their lunches.

By bringing teams together
to believe in each other.

And when we're stuck in
the snow, they push us out.

While in my neighborhood, we
always wish that people like

that would run for office.

Well In my neighborhood, someone
like that did run for office.

And he's going to be a
wonderful vice president.

Thanks very much.

Out here in the wide open spaces.

We are reminded of the values we share,
a commitment to community, country,

and standing up for what's right.

Tim Walls grew up in a small
town in Nebraska, where he spent

summers working the family farm.

There were just 24 students
in his graduating class.

His dad served during the Korean
War, and that meant a lot to Tim.

So he enlisted right
after his 17th birthday.

And served 24 years in the National
Guard, rising to command sergeant major.

Tim went to college on the GI bill
and became a social studies teacher.

That's where Tim and I met.

We shared a classroom with a
divider right down the middle.

His classroom was a lot louder
than mine, but I could hear

how engaged his students were.

Tim taught for over 15 years, and he
coached football, helping lead the

team to a state championship after
zero wins just a few years before.

Tim taught them how to believe
in themselves, and that

we're all in this together.

When one of our students started the
school's Gay Straight Alliance, Tim

agreed to serve as faculty advisor
because he knew how impactful it would be.

He inspired his students,
and he changed their lives.

He is just so joyful.

He's the most graceful
person to hang out for.

Nobody believes to be
right, stands up to bullies.

Then, Tim's students inspired him.

To run for Congress in Southern Minnesota,
Tim spent a lot of time working with

Republicans, fighting to help farmers
and expanding veterans benefits, whether

it was in Congress or his governor, his
focus has always been helping working

people like those he grew up with.

That's why he fought for the largest
tax cut in Minnesota state history.

But Tim Walz was there for
small businesses like ours.

With the urging of Governor Walz,
we were able to pass the Alex Smith

Insulin Affordability Act, and
it has saved lives in Minnesota.

With Tim as governor, Minnesota is one
of the best places to raise a family,

and one of the best states for business.

Tim's a lifelong hunter and gun owner.

But after the Sandy Hook school shooting,
he knew that we had to do something.

So he's fought for background
checks and red flag laws.

But of all the things he's
done, Tim loves being a dad.

We struggled to have kids.

And fertility treatments made it possible.

There's a reason our
daughter is named Hope.

Hope and Gus mean the world to us.

Governor Walz making good on a
promise to his son and family

yesterday by getting them a puppy.

Then we're gonna go get some food.

Corn dog?

I'm vegetarian.

Turkey then?

Turkey's meat.

Not a Minnesota turkey special.

He's as at home, on a farm, a fishing
boat, a football field, or a factory

floor, as he is on the floor of Congress.

Tim's commitment to service all comes
back to the values we grew up with.

Love your country.

Help your neighbor.

And fight for what's right, because
that's what America is all about.

Two middle class kids, one, a daughter
of Oakland, California, the other, a son

of the Nebraska Plains, only in America.

I wonder why she picked him.

He didn't seem like they are a good match.

To make it all the way to the White House.

The question earlier,
did she have a choice?

You know?

Or was he forced?

I mean, was he forced upon her?

I don't know, they just
don't seem like I don't know.

Alright, let's hear his speech here.

They don't speak long, so I have no idea.

I hope it's more than 15 minutes, man.

Well, we'll get out of here soon.

He has to go for 30 minutes.

Been playing a little John Mellocamp,


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

First of all, to Vice President Harris.

Thanks for putting your trust in me.

And for inviting me to be part
of this incredible campaign.

Hell yeah!

And a thank you to President Joe Biden.

For four years of strong,
historic leadership.

Hell yeah.

It's, it's the honor of my life
to accept your nomination for Vice

President of the United States.

Hell yeah.

We're all, we're all here tonight
for one beautiful, simple reason.

We love this country.

So thank you to all of you here in Chicago
and all of you watching at home tonight.

Thank you for your passion.

Thank you for your determination.

And most of all, thank you for
bringing the joy to this fight.

Now I grew up in Butte, Nebraska.

A town of 400 people.

I had 24 kids in my high school
class, and none of them went to Yale.

But I'll tell you what, growing up
in a small town like that, you learn

how to take care of each other.

That, that family down the road, they
may not think like you do, they may

not pray like you do, they may not love
like you do, but they're your neighbors.

And you look out for them,
and they look out for you.

Everybody belongs.

And everybody has a
responsibility to contribute.

For me, it was serving in
the Army National Guard.

I joined up two days after my 17th
birthday, and I proudly wore our

nation's uniform for 24 years.

My dad, a Korean War era Army veteran,
died of lung cancer a couple years later.

He left behind a mountain of medical debt.

Thank God for Social
Security survivor benefits.

And thank God for the G.


Bill that allowed my dad and me to go to
college and millions of other Americans.

Eventually, like the rest of my
family, I fell in love with teaching.

Three, three out of four
of us married teachers.

I wound up being a teacher.

Teaching social studies and coaching
football at Mankato West High School.

Go Scarlets!

We ran, we ran a 44 defense, we
played through to the whistle

on every single play, and we
even won a state championship.

Never closed the yearbook, people.

But it was those players and my students
who inspired me to run for Congress.

They saw in me what I had
hoped to instill in them.

Go Scarlets!

a commitment to the common good,
an understanding that we're all in

this together, and the belief that
a single person can make a real

difference for their neighbors.

So there I was, a 40 something high
school teacher, with little kids,

zero political experience, And no
money running in a deep red district.

But you know what?

Never underestimate a
public school teacher.


Hell yeah.

I represented my neighbors
in Congress for 12 years.

And I learned an awful lot.

I learned how to work across the
aisle on issues like growing the rural

economies and taking care of veterans.

And I learned how to compromise
without compromising my values.

Then I came back.

To serve as governor, and we
got right to work, making a

difference in our neighbors lives.

We cut taxes for the middle class.

We passed paid family and medical leave.

We invested in fighting
crime and affordable housing.

We cut the cost of prescription drugs
and helped people escape the kind of

medical debt that nearly sank my family.

And we made sure that every kid in our
state gets breakfast and lunch every day.

So while other states were banning
books from their schools, we

were banishing hunger from ours.

We also protected reproductive freedom.

Because in Minnesota, We
respect our neighbors and the

personal choices they make.

And even if we wouldn't make
those same choices for ourselves,

we've got a golden rule.

Mind your own damn business.

Hell yeah.

And that includes IVF
and fertility treatments.

And this is personal for Gwen and I.

If you've never experienced the hell
that is infertility, I guarantee

you, you know somebody who has.

You know somebody who has.

And I can remember praying each
night for a phone call, the pit

in your stomach when the phone had
rang, and the absolute agony when we

heard the treatments hadn't worked.

It took Gwen and I years, but we had
access to fertility treatments, and when

our daughter was born, we named her Hope.

Hope, Gus, and Gwen, you are my
entire world, and I love you.

Oh, he's all emotional there.

I'm letting you in on how we started
a family, because this is a big part

about what this election is about.


When Republicans use the word freedom,
they mean that the government should

be free to invade your doctor's office.

Corporations, free to
pollute your air and water.

And banks, free to take
advantage of customers.

But when we Democrats talk about freedom,
we mean the freedom to make a better life

for yourself and the people that you love.

Freedom to make your own
health care decisions.

And yeah, your kids freedom
to go to school, right?

Without worrying about
being shot dead in the hall.

Look, I know guns.

I'm a veteran, I'm a hunter, and
I was a better shot than most

Republicans in Congress, and I
got the trophies to prove it.

But I'm also a dad.

I believe in the Second Amendment,
but I also believe our first

responsibility is to keep our kids safe.

That's what this is all about, the
responsibility we have to our kids.

To each other and to the future that we're
building together in which everyone is

free to build the kind of life they want.

But not everyone has that
same sense of responsibility.

Some folks just don't understand
what it takes to be a good neighbor.

Take Donald Trump and J.



Their project 2025 will make things
much, much harder for people who

are just trying to live their lives.

They spent a lot of time pretending
they know nothing about this.

But look, I coached high school football
long enough to know, and trust me on

this, when somebody takes the time to
draw up a playbook, they're gonna use it.

And, and

we know, if these guys get back in the
White House, they'll start jacking up

the costs on the middle class, they'll
repeal the Affordable Care Act, They'll

gut Social Security and Medicare

and they will ban abortion across this
country, with or without Congress.


Here's the thing.

It's an agenda nobody asked for.

It's an agenda that serves
nobody except the richest and

the most extreme amongst us.


And it's an agenda.

That does nothing for
our neighbors in need.

Is it weird?



Republicans, do y'all believe that?


And it's dangerous.

It's not just me saying so.

It's Trump's own people.

They were with him for four years.

They're warning us that the next
four years will be much, much worse.

You know, when I was teaching every year,
we'd elect a student body president.

And you know what?

Those teenagers could teach Donald Trump
a hell of a lot about what a leader is.

Everybody's saying it's lies.

Leaders don't spend all day
insulting people and blaming others.

Leaders do the work.

So I don't know about you, I'm ready
to turn the page on these guys.

So go ahead, say it with me.

We're not going back.

We've got something better
to offer the American people.

It starts with our candidates.

Kamala Harris,

from her first day as a prosecutor,
as a district attorney, as an attorney

general, as a United States senator, and
then our vice president, she's fought

on the side of the American people.

She's taken on the predators and
fraudsters, she's taken down the

transnational gangs, and she stood
up to powerful corporate interests.

She has never hesitated to
reach across that aisle if it

meant improving your lives.

And she's always done it with
energy, with passion, and with joy.


we've got a chance to make Kamala Harris
the next president of the United States.

Hell yeah!

But I think we owe it to the
American people to tell them

exactly what she'd do as president
before we ask them for their votes.

So here, this is the part, clip
and save it, and send it to your

undecided relatives, so they know.

If you're a middle class family,
or a family trying to get

into the middle class, Kamala
Harris is gonna cut your taxes.

If you're getting squeezed by
prescription drug prices, Kamala

Harris is gonna take on big pharma.

Hell yeah!

If you're hoping to buy a
home, Kamala Harris is gonna

help make it more affordable.

Hell yeah!

And no matter who you are, Kamala
Harris is going to stand up and

fight for your freedom to live
the life that you want to lead.

Hell yeah!

Because that's what we want for ourselves,
and it's what we want for our neighbors.

You know, you might not know
it, but I haven't given a lot

of big speeches like this.

But I have given a lot of pep talks.

So let me, let me finish with this, team!

It's the fourth quarter!

We're down a field goal!

Let's go!

But we're on offense
and we've got the ball.

We're driving down the field.

And boy, do we have the right team.

Kamala Harris is top.

Kamala Harris is experienced.

And Kamala Harris is ready.

Our job.

Our job.

Our job.

Our job for everyone watching
is to get in the trenches and

do the blocking and tackling.

One inch at a time.

One yard at a time.

One phone call at a time.

One door knock at a time.

One five dollar donation at a time.

Look, we got 76 days.

That's nothing.

There'll be time to
sleep when you're dead.

We're gonna leave it on the field.

That's how we'll keep moving forward.

That's how we'll turn
the page on Donald Trump.

That's how we'll build a country
where workers come first.

Healthcare and housing are human rights.

And the government stays the
hell out of your bedroom.

Hell yeah.

That's how we make America a place
where no child is left hungry.

Where no community is left behind.

Where nobody gets told they don't belong.

That's how we're gonna
fight for our rights.

And as the next president of the
United States always says, when

we fight, when we fight hell,
yeah, when we fight hell, yeah.

God bless.

Well, let's see.

What'd you think about that speech?

Man, it felt, felt like I was in the
locker room for a moment, you know?


he didn't go more than 15, 16 minutes.

It looks like, uh, he went almost 20.

That's amazing.

They don't talk long.

I was pretty targeted, you know,
the message is very concise.

I mean, and that that's, that's
their strategy, you know?

I mean, so I think the most
we're going to get out, I mean,

I can't wait until the debate.

Once you have the debate,
there's no running.

You got to address your questions.

You got to talk.

I'm looking forward to that.

But, um, And I'm hoping, I'm hoping the
debates is more about the policies and,

and what they're going to do with each
candidate's going to do for America.

Less, less character attacks.

Yeah, it's, um, uh, Oprah
took the show tonight.

Sorry, man.

It, it, nobody, it just, um, he, uh,
he was definitely, um, not to Oprah

Winfrey level, which I understand
she's professional, but, um, you know,

it's just I, I, I'm hoping tomorrow
night is going to be the best speech

of vice president Harris's life.

So, I mean, but, but, but
I mean, think about it.

They're sticking to the script.

Yeah, they're not
deviating from the script.

I mean, they, they're saying
that this was the route that

Joe Biden took to beat Trump.

And so they're using the same
blueprint, the same format.

Yeah, I know.

You know, we're both in sales.

I'm always, you know, always
going out there answering

questions and things like that.

So, you know, I've won deals
without having to do anything,

which is skip the brochure and
here, here, and then that's it.

Least amount of information.

Uh, but you know, those odds of winning
are more limited in that capacity.

Well, let me ask you this.

We we've now set through.

Um, three quarters of the DNC set
through all of the RNC have, I

mean, the dirt has anyone really
targeted and address policies?

Well, I think the Republicans are
definitely, um, hammering her now,

uh, for sure, because they were at
the time they didn't know if it was

going to be Biden or Harris during the
public, but did they address policies?

Yeah, well, I think they were
talking about immigration and,

uh, inflation and integration.


They talked about inflation.


But they're, they're talking
about abortions and your Roe v.

Wade, right.

You know me.

And so.

You're getting sprinkles, but we're
not getting the whole cake, you know,

getting a few ingredients here and
there, but nobody's baking the cake

and talking about everything that
the American people want to hear.


Well, it looks like the polls want to hear
about, you know, more about the economy

and, you know, if they don't address it,
that's, it's going to be tough on them.

To get the swing voters, you know,
how you want to dress, you know, cause

the problem that, um, vice president
Harris has is that she's been part of

the administration for the inflation.

And how do you address, what did
you do during those three years?

What did you do during the three years?

You know, I, I, I posted
something earlier, you know,

about wages and, um, the economic
performance under the president.

And I took it back to Obama because there
was a comment that Democrats have been in.

Um, Been in office for for 12 of
the 16 years and they said during

President Obama's presidency the
economy recovered from the Great

Recession the last two years of his
administration saw a significant

increase in the median household
income rising by 4, 800 annually.

Then it talked about Trump.

Under Trump the economy experienced
growth Before the COVID 19 pandemic hit,

wage growth exceeded inflation leading
to modest increases for workers incomes.

Then you have Biden's presidency has seen
strong job creation and economic growth as

the economy recovered from the pandemic.

Now, once again, Obama's
He, you saw, you saw growth.

There was a significant
growth per per perplexity.

Both Biden and Trump COVID hit, you
know, they had to deal with COVID.

There's not enough being, there's not
enough being talked about how COVID has

impacted both presidencies, to be quite
frank, you know, the end of Trump's term

and the beginning of Biden's, you know,
Trump was starting strong and then it hit.

We went down, Biden inherited
that, try to pull us out.

And now we're getting some job creation.

So, so COVID had an impact.

Yeah, I guess what, you know, that
inflation went up and it's not come down,

you know, so it's compounding, you know,
so it's like, it's probably gone up with

16 percent over, Biden's administration.

So you're going to have to have a
deflation of at least 16 percent of,

of costs to even get back to normal,
to what it was when it first started.

So even if it went, the inflation rate has
come down, it's still up year over year.

So it's compounding on each other.


Your only way is to get out of it is
to either work more jobs or get more

pay to get break even, you know, I
mean, but you got to look at what

contributed to that, you know, supply
chain disruptions, but nobody really

cares, you know, how it happened is that
it's hurting their pocket at this point.

It's, it's hurt.

It's hurting their pockets,
but, but people, I mean, I

can't speak for everyone.

You know, I'm just speaking
from a standpoint of, we got to

understand there's a cause and
effect, and the cause was the

pandemic played a big role in this.

And so to the, the Democrats
who saying it's Trump's fault.

Well, I mean, COVID came COVID
hit COVID played a part in, and,

and to, to the Republicans who
are saying it's Biden's part.

Well, once again, this COVID played
a part in this, the economy was, we

were shut down for how long, you know?


Well, We had to issue stimulus checks.

But what the question is, is
that what are you going to do to

reduce costs by a minimum of 20%?

But who's addressing it?

Neither party's addressing it.

But I'm just saying, until you sort
of get to that point, everybody

is going to be absorbing this
additional inflation for forever.

And so you're either going to have
to work more, two jobs, or get

more pay to compensate for it.

Oh, you know, I mean,
we'll see how it plays out.

I think whoever is the next president
is going to reap the benefits of a

recovering nation, you know, and so and
so whatever policies they put in place

may not necessarily may not ultimately
be what's the difference maker.

It's just going to be.

Yeah, they benefited that.

I mean, we've seen it many times before.

A lot of presidents walk into good
situations and they take all the credit

because it happened during their tenure.


Well, and just think about, you know,
you can work a extra job and things

like that, but just think about a lot
of people, majority of our audiences,

believe it or not is over 65.

They're on a fixed income and they, they,
that inflation is going to affect them

for the rest of their life because they're
not going to be able to go out and get a

job to pay for that, the additional cost.

And so, so, so how you got to sort of,
how do you address That's driving down

the cost of, you know, you could do
price controls, which I can see that

working for what Vice President Harris
said, that, you know, she could put price

controls on and drive costs down that way.


And so, well, well, you,
you stated that yourself.

She said putting price controls in place
would have, would have Trump stated that.

No, he's just saying he could cut
the energy cost and the energy cost

would then help drive down cost of the
overall cost of manufacturing the goods.


Well, I need to hear more
of what they're going to do.

I mean, and, and, and where I
was going at with that, we're

talking with these both parties.

I haven't heard anything
about policies in depth.

They're just, it's just character attacks.

And so

we've got, we got one crackling barrels,
old people getting bored, cat food, but if

you end social security, I mean, that's.

That's going to be detriment as well.


That's going to be
detrimental to them as well.


Here's a super chat from
Kirkland right here.


So he said, let me bring it up here.

Kirkland, everyone says Trump doesn't
have a plan to deal with inflation.

How's deregulation economy.

So companies can increase the supply
of goods, not dealing with inflation.

Oh, so what do you think about that?

So what, so they can police,
they can, they can increase.

He, he's saying less reg, less
regulation, increase the supply.

But once again, right.

So, but once again, that played a part
of why we're in this situation, right?

It was a supply and demand issue.

We didn't have the supplies.

And so with less supply.

And higher demands, you
could have price gouging.

You could, you had prices being increased
and we haven't seen those prices drop.

Maybe this is the new norm.

I don't know.


And if it's the new norm, then that's
going to be a problem for a lot of people.

I, I agree.

Now you need to, now you need to talk.

So that's where the Dems are saying
higher, um, Unemployment wage rates, you

know, people need to make more money.


And you know, we're, you know, and then
the companies, you know, have to pay

more for the employees than they have
to pass that cost on to the end user

itself for the cost of their product.

It's a never ending cycle.

Where does corporate greed come into play?

Do they have to, I mean, corporate
greed, where does that come into play?

Because they want it, they want the
margins that they're looking for.

They don't want that to change and so
now I have to charge you more I don't

need a I don't need a hundred million
dollar bonus Yeah, well, you know but

also your 401k is based on company stock
too, you know, they It's all intricate.

I mean what you can't fight one take one
out and then not affect another I I've

worked for for profit companies and they
always ask for a margin analysis and we

have to hit that margin analysis So it's,
it's not as easy as, you know, politicians

make it as, but nobody really wants to
do the hard work to, you know, go through

what it takes to really make a change.

And of course we're in a bunch of debt
that both parties contribute to it.

And, you know, you know, for me, I, you
know, I don't have kids, so I don't have

to worry about, but I know you have kids.

That, you know, they're going to
be absorbing a lot of future debt.



I don't have, I don't have an answer.

I don't know if it was
a good conversation.

I'm just ready to hear how
they're going to, what's going

to be done moving forward.

Why are we going to address these issues?

I don't want to hear about.

I mean, just me personally,
this candidate has this history.

This candidate has that history.

No, let's talk about what you're
going to do for the American people.

Yeah, and we'll see what Trump does.

I think he's starting to calm down on
his personal attacks, but I think he,

he does things a little bit different.

He plays chess cause he throws those
zingers out to get attention views.

Cause you know, that's what happens
in the world of social media.

We play in that world, social media,
we know conflict and things like

that drives a lot of views, but
also too, he needs to sort of have

a a deeper level of conversation
that most people can understand.

And both sides need to do that.

That's all I'm asking for.


You know, break it down, you know,
in this, in this lamest form.

Everybody needs to understand
what they're talking about.

Because my concern is, is that I
absorbed a 17 18 percent of the

last For since COVID, uh, and I'm
not seeing pricing going down.

And if that's going to be the case and
I have to adjust my budget, knowing

forward that I need to save you more
money for our retire and to absorb

these additional costs that are never
going to come back down unless we flood

with, uh, more supply of these products,
which will then drive costs down.

I mean, going out to eat is outrageous.

I've cut back on going out to eat.

I mean, you can't afford it.

You know, I spent 50 at the
grocery store and came out with

one and a half bags of groceries.


It's insane.

You know, there's, there's, I mean,
right now there's no answers that

there's no one really talking about
driving that home or how they're

going to improve that for the people.


For the American people.

Well, and at least Harris did
throw something out there,

and it's controversial.

Um, and you know, putting
price controls in.

And doing that.

So I give her, uh, that, um, gutsiness
to do, to go and put that out there

because then that goes, that puts
it out there going, Hey, I might put

price controls, guys, you need to
push down your costs, but also to,

you can't have all the regulation and
other costs, input costs keep going up

because we definitely don't want
a bunch of defaulting companies.

Cause then you go put out a lot
of people on employment and then.

And then you don't want to screw
around with the food supply.

If you screw around with the
food supply, you gonna have,

you gonna have mass disruptions,

but you'll have skinnier people.


Well, they say Americans
are the obese nation.

They're going to force us to
lose weight at this point.

You know, kids ask why
they, why are we now?

I was like, why is your
family getting so skinny?

That's because we're broke, you know,
you can't afford to eat one, one

meal a day, one hearty meal a day.

Oh, you're not kidding.

But yeah, that's, that's true.

Uh, but, uh, that is very
interesting for sure.

But yeah, it's, you know, these
conversations as in it, hopefully the

debate, they will have good conversations.

And hopefully they don't
talk over each other.

And I'm hoping they
don't have an audience.

I hate when they have an audience.

Because then they just clap and yap,
while over the people trying to talk.

I like the last part.

I liked the last way they
did the Joe Biden and Trump.

Uh, it was perfect.

Cut their mic off.

I don't want to hear the other person
talk while the other person's talking.


It's going to have to be a controlled
environment because it has the

potential to get ugly, you know, but
I'm really looking forward to it.

I want to see what they're
going to, to talk about.

And, um, once again, Kamala's and
Tim, when they do debate in an

environment like that, now they have
to talk longer, you know, they're

going to have to talk longer.

Well, all right.

What's the over under tomorrow that
Kamala will speak more than 30 minutes?

She's not touching 30 minutes.

Well, I think she's will go over 30.

Well, well, I mean, I don't think her
speech will be 30 minutes, but I think

there's going to be a lot of ovations.


I want to be a lot of changes.

The poll question tomorrow,
I'll give everybody a heads up.

I'm going to put the poll question
is, what's the over under of,

um, uh, Vice President Harris
speech being over 30 minutes?

So, we'll see what everybody says,
because she, of course, she will be the

last speaker of the evening tomorrow.

Well, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm
actually looking forward to it.

Oh, I am too.

I mean, this is sort of
I'm looking forward to it.

I, and I think she might potentially,
I don't think she'll give too

much policy by, um, but we'll see.

I hope it's more than 15 minutes.

I mean, that's good.


Nikki says she might go for 30 minutes,
but she won't actually say anything.

And, and I'm, I'm, I'm expecting,
uh, from an introduction perspective,

that's going to be a standard ovation.

You know, how long is
that going to drag out?

That's going to.

That's going to be some, some rants
throughout, you know, the chance,

you know, I, I noticed one of the big
things is they like getting chance.

There's a lot of chance going on
with me, you know, say it with me.

Repeat after me.



I mean, that's me.

Both parties do that.

They sort of did that.

That's, you know, Trump loves
stuff like that all the time.

So yeah, like everybody says, you
know, she's read teleprompter.

She can over, under speaking
circles for 30 minutes.

Oh my God.

Uh, Trump made his own
money and private sector.

Unlike Nancy Pelosi insider trading,
her net worth is two to 300 million,

making her 87, 000 a year job.

Well, maybe, um, her
husband's a good investor.

Uh, both sides take advantage.

I've I've lived in DC.

Believe me, they might fight
in public, but they're friends.

Um, when they're, when the TV camera's
off, so don't, I don't fall for it.

There's a lot of stuff that goes on behind
the scenes in DC that of course I don't

get to see, but, um, I've heard some
stuff and, um, I've seen some interesting

stuff happen, so when big money's
involved and either not for profits or

for profit companies and everybody's,
you know, wants to shape what's going

on with legislation, so, because it's,
as you know, the federal government is

the biggest employer in the country.



Oh my gosh.

So, but Hey, it's been great evening.

Juwan as always.

And gosh, almost midnight, man.

This day is, this is going by fast.

One more night, four
nights streaming, man.

One more night, you know, and I'm,
you know, glad the community tuned in.

You know, glad we have about 280
folks right now that stuck around to

hear us ramble on, you know, this is,
this is an educational moment for me.

I enjoy talking with Mark, picking his
brain, getting his take on a lot of

things, you know, it's a different, you
know, it gives me a different perspective.

So we all, we all are students.

We all are students.

And we're, we're the type of
people you can vote for anybody

you want to, and we don't care.

We just want to break both sides
and, you know, debate both sides.

We leverage AI to get a lot of
information and things like that.

It makes it interesting, but even
information from AI is, can be erroneous.

So, yeah, I have to do due diligence and
making sure you get the right information.

And, um, interpret it as
you believe it should be.

So agreed.

And I'll echo what you said, you know,
um, we just enjoy the conversation.

We just enjoy reading the chats.

You know, and we want the
people to get out and vote

regardless of who you voting for.

Just get out and vote.

That's, that's your God given right.

You know, so exercise.


So, yeah.

Well, and as always, there's always a
bunch of Trump 2024 and then definitely

some vote blue, uh, and things like that.

You know, it's just interesting.

I love how do the blue
hearts and American flags.

From Porkchop76, uh, he's been a big,
it looks like hair supporter there.

So we do appreciate the, the
usuals that come in and give

their opinion and everything.

So it's always fun to
see both sides of it.

Trumpy versus Kamala is
going to be a bloodbath.

Ooh, from, uh, hopefully I don't
think that's going to be the case.

I think it's going to be


Oh, I've been through
enough of these elections.

I'm an old guy.

I've seen it all.

See stuff.

I'd never thought don't
see, you go that person.

We got like, yeah, I mean, this, this
was a great, this was a great night.

You know, we, we did, we
did decent numbers tonight.

Um, you know, a lot of, a lot of comments.

Yeah, absolutely.

It's all, it's all, it's all the Harris
supporters come out, you know, the Dem,

the Democrats started coming out strong.

Trumpsters are always in the building,
always in the building and they're not

shy, you know, they're not short of words.


Well, I appreciate it because you know,
that's, you know, uh, I think Trump was

really understanding social media, which
he's always understood that, um, business

really well, because he understands views.

and understands all of that and um,
I think if he does win, I think it

will be based on his social media
strategy and sort of bypassing the

sort of traditional media itself.

Um, to get things because the basically
YouTube and every social media platform

is splintered everybody else up
and a lot of people use YouTube and

not even watch regular TV anymore.

They just use YouTube.

It's free.

And of course you got to watch
commercials, but, um, but overall it's

free and you can access any information
you want and it's new television.

And, and the word you use was
commercial with dating ourselves.

We had commercials back during our time.

Nowadays, my kids said that it's
not a commercial, it's advertising.

I'm like, well, they're pretty
much one and the same, you

know, but no, it's advertising.

And so you're watching ads, but
it's, it's, you know, commercial ads.

YouTube is offering you an
opportunity to watch it for free.

Our channel we're here so you can
tap in and, and share your thoughts,

engage with us, provide your feedback.

We welcome it all.

We'll be doing, of course, um, tech
news, we'll do regular news, um,

financial news, and of course politics.

And we will, and maybe dabble in
some, uh, uh, football also down the

road, but, um, yeah, we're going to be
streaming on a regular basis, uh, and

we really enjoy the vertical format.

We find that is the best way to
really reach a lot of people.

And, um, we're totally
bought into, uh, It's funny.

We sell mobile solutions.

And so we, we understand this,
uh, media platform really well.

Uh, the vertical format, you know, and
you know, Apple and Android devices.

So we do enjoy it.

Anything else before we jump?

Um, not a great night, you know,
I really appreciate you and the

audience for tuning in to us.

Join our content.

Hopefully you enjoyed it.

Please subscribe, like, share,
um, and tune in tomorrow.

Sounds good.

We'll be back at eight o'clock.