Ai Review Weekly Show

Ai Review Weekly Show

Gypsy goddess, a little too modest My head
comes down every now and then A wild car

with a reckless heart I've seen love come
around But I raised babies that were not

mine And I might raise my own on my own
time Been handed faith, was too late Made

my luck on my own dime Been called too
crazy Been called too blind But I built

this ground I'm walking on I'm walking on

I was child drowning
out the noise with red,

the just to it down.

And if you need me, I'll be.


Every heart grows a little
cold and every soul is boxed.

So truth be told, it's getting old.

I'll find a place where I can go.

Start a fire and rise again.

Right away out on the wind.

Ever since I was child drowning out the

just down i'll.


been a runner

since I was a child, Drowning out
the noise with the red dirt in my


Build a kingdom of just to burn it down,
And if you need me I'll be laughing

at the pain, Dancing in the rain.




Gypsy goddess, little too modest,

still dancing in the flame.

Welcome to the AI Review Room.

My name is Mark Endelius.

We're excited about another
great live show tonight.

And I just want to also
personally thank everybody

that's been watching our channel.

We've gotten over 50, 000 views
in less than three months.

We're starting out from zero views
and almost 1, 800 subscribers.

Very blessed.

Thank you so much for everything.

We do, we're here today solving today's
problems with AI, and we're learning

each time how we can bring great
content to our community out there.

Juwan, how are you doing tonight?

I'm doing fine.


And I echo that we
started from the bottom.

Now we here, we built this
from the ground up organically.

We appreciate everyone
who constantly tunes in.

We thank you all.

Hopefully you're finding this information
to be very useful and valuable and

something that you can implement and apply
to your daily lives and even at work.

So once again, thank you.

And Mark, I'm great.

I'm great.


We've got a great show tonight.

We're going to just focus on two
things tonight and we're going to

start with AI news, and then we will
then jump into our AI review room to

review four different technologies.

So the let's jump into AI news.

All right, Juwan, take it away.



And This looks familiar.

Pretty sure it looks
familiar to you, Mark, right?


so this is the rabbit.

This is something that Mark and I
actually did a review on or pretty

much an overview on because we didn't
actually have the product in hand, but

we gave An overview based off of our
understanding of what we see and what we

do day in and day out within this space
and how these technologies are utilized.

And so it was a very
calculated at a review from us.

We got a lot of feedback about
the review that we provided stated

that we didn't possess the products
or how could it be a review?

We understood and we heard you loud and
clear, but nonetheless, Even without

touching that product, we didn't follow
that rabbit down the rabbit hole,

and that's what they're telling you.

You probably shouldn't follow
this rabbit down the rabbit hole.

And why is that?

Basically this review of the Rabbits
R1 Highlights several limitations

and issues with the device itself,
despite its appealing appearance.

So you can see it's a separate device
that you have in your hands that

pretty much compliments your phone,
because it's not a voice device.

But nonetheless, it's certain
actions that this language action

model was supposed to do for you.

The device itself looks slim, cool, nice
design, sleek, but it's priced at 200.

And essentially, it's still in beta
right now, despite it being released

to the masses for us to purchase.

It's still in beta and now
they're expecting the consumers

to help with this development.

And so we saw that coming a mile away,
but the review points out that the

R1 struggles with tasks that deviates
from very specific conditions, such

as being able to handle spreadsheets
and other types of documents.

That was one of the things that
we touched on is the fact that it

was going to be able to take daily
tasks away from you and take action.

Whereas with your large language models,
they pretty much just give you data.

You prompt request information.

It feeds it back aggregates it and
gives it to you in different formats.

But this.

Our rabbit is supposed to take action and
I don't think it's taking action the way

that a lot of the consumers would have
liked additionally the device failed to

perform some of the tasks that it was
supposed to manage Like accurately editing

a spreadsheet or summarizing a novel.

That's something we wanted.

I mean we can have chat g Gpt or
perplexity copilot any of those others

Summarize a book for us or give us
a synopsis, a high level overview

of anything that we're, that we
specified that we need assistance with.

But this book, this device
is struggled with that.

And so there was a number of
other drawbacks, which included

a lack of reminder functions.

That was one of the things
that stood out to us.

I will want to remind her if you're
telling me that I can use this device to

book an Uber and I, we use that example
and I thought it was pretty, pretty cool.

And I shared it with my daughter.

I'm glad we didn't make that investment
device, but she's a college kid

and she goes out with her friends.

College kids do what college kids do.

Might need a designated driver, don't know
who, but everybody's under the influence.

So now you just use this rabbit to,
to place just book an Uber for you.

And so those are some of the tasks that
you were looking forward to do, which

it's not really functioning as desired.

So those reminder functions, when
your Uber is about to show me, or

when a calendar invite, calorie
event that you need to to attend.

Those are some of the things
that this article talked about.

And as even the voice recording
feature, it has poor sound quality

and inconvenience of being logged.

And you have the inconvenience of being
logged out of this R1 quite a bit,

especially when you're taking notes.

And so they're basically saying, don't
follow this rabbit down the rabbit hole.

And they even took it a step further.

And you will like this one as well.

They took it a step further and
they made a suggestion of what

you can use as an alternate.

You'll never guess what that is.

Oh, no, not a Android or iPhone.

Did they?

No, even better.

It's even better than



you wing AI pen.

Oh my God.

They're saying that's a better
alternative than using this device.



I've been seeing a lot
on the human AI pen.

It's gaining a lot of traction.

But nonetheless, this is one of
those things that from a review

perspective, we gave you our overview.

We gave you our take.

We got a lot of commentary and a lot of
feedback back from the community, which

we're appreciative of because it gives
us greater insight as to why one thinking

and also helps us build out our material
and sharpen our skills, but nonetheless,

I think we were spot on with this remark.

I think we didn't chase this
rabbit down the rabbit hole.

Yeah, I read some of the reviews
afterwards also, and a lot of people

said it's a glorified Android app
that could easily work a lot better

on a Samsung phone or your, Apple.

device itself.

So it's quite interesting.

Yeah, because we work in the wireless
space and we understand latency and

devices that are not able to run the
native software seamlessly and and

then it's just so slow, it doesn't take
long for the end user on the device.

She says it's worthless to me
because the standard is the

Android device and also the iPhone.

So if you're not going to be at that
standard or better, you're going

to struggle as an organization.

That device is going to struggle because
that is everybody's standard now.


The bar is a high, it's a high
bar, which has been set and.

And in our space, when these devices
don't perform because it's a, your

margin of error is slim to none.

And so if you miss it, it's a miss.

And ultimately this device in our
environment would be an expensive

doorstop in a hospital environment.

And so that's one of the things that
you really have to make sure that when

you go to market, you fully understand.


Your device has been put through
rigorous testing so that it's ready

to withstand the day to day usage and
meet the expectations of the consumers.

I'm not paying 200 for that device.

We talked about it.

I wasn't paying 200 for
that device because.

For me, I just didn't want to carry around
a second device and it's funny that you

said that about they're thinking that
this could have been an app that goes on

one of these other Android or iOS device.

I think we covered that as
well from an app perspective.

What makes them think that
Android or iOS wouldn't just?

Take this technology and incorporate
it into theirs anyhow, so that way

you have that one single device,
that one throat choke, that single

source that you're carrying around.

So that was my biggest takeaway
from it when I saw it and re

and read the reviews earlier.


technology behind smartphones and
the chipsets are so sophisticated.

They have been honed and developed through
the years, just the new mean when the

iPhone came out and they had tons of bugs.

I remember it vividly and
also with the Android devices.


but it was interesting.

It was interesting.


know, the white



know, they had some interesting
headlines and I thought that was pretty

interesting but nonetheless yeah.

We were spot on.

I feel good.

Kudos to us.

That's right.

All righty.

Let's jump to our next one.

We are going to talk about a Chinese
company that has launched a robot.

And it's we did a little
segment on what was the name

of the robot that open AI had?

Was it, Thing one or what was

he said?

Thing one.

No, I don't think it was thing one.

I think it was called a thing.

One thing too, based off of What was it?

It was something, but
but it's interesting.

The challenge is going to be for
American companies is that Chinese

companies are going to definitely be
some of them will be at the leading

edge of technology and you are going
to be competing with them whether it's

robots or software, it's going to be
very interesting because there's a lot

of software is actually one piece of
software now I use, I didn't realize.

It's based out of China and it's
a really good piece of software

that I use and it was dirt cheap.

And I'm like, Oh, okay.

That's how they're going to
win market share based on

great product at a low price.

It's like they've done with
the TV market, flat screen TVs.

Now you can get a great 65 inch
flat screen TV for under 500 bucks.


hard to believe.

That's definitely hard to believe.


Lazardi Time Entertainment
said, love RoboCop.



So let's look at what
they have right here.

So this is a robot and basically this
is not, they call it top tele operating.

It's nobody operating this.

This is all autonomous
done by the robot itself.

It's looking at the process.

And so you can see what they're
trying to do with the cups.

And then of course, now they have
the wine glasses with a little, boom.

Pulled it without dropping it.

And then human like operation.

Now look at this right here.

You can see it's analyzing
a white container, red pen.

So it knows to say, okay, that
booklet, you pick that booklet up.

Where do I put it?

Oh, I'm going to put it
in this container here.

And then it knows, okay, I
need to open up that drawer.

Then put the ping pong in.

Looks like a cars and I don't
know what that other thing was.

And then it says, okay, that pin.

And then it looks like, okay, I
need to put it right into that.


And then of course you need
somebody to cook for you, Juwan.

There's somebody can do cucumber.

Looks like you can get your
little red pepper there.

Oh, make you a little sandwich there
and put a little salt in there.

And says, Oh, okay.

I'm done.

And here is four.

Give it to him.

Open a bottle.

It's interesting.

They didn't use five fingers.

They just using the little two things,
prongs there to actually open things.

It's pretty interesting
how they can do that.

Look at that.

I can

open your beer

for you, Juwan.

Man, it's a good thing I don't
drink a lot no more because I

would definitely have him open my


Open a bottle of wine here.

My wife uses that type of
device all the time and put in a

decanter there to aerate the wine.

Look at that.

It is pretty smart knowing
that it can do that.

And then of course, folding.

It looks like a napkin there.

I don't know.

He's doing a very good job at that, but.



And then watering the plants
and then cutting on the light.

And then doing a little vacuuming.


Now he was that good.

He can throw it straight in the trash.



He was really good.

Look at that.

So he's just following this person
here, all the different types

that moves and in real time.

So Chinese is real are really the
companies out there are for real and

they are going to make a big impact.

Look at it right in Chinese there,
which is quite amazing there.

What's your first thought?

What came to mind when you saw this?

When I saw this, I thought it was
something that, I know we had, was it

the Will Smith movie, the AI movie?

A robot.


And I can see that the, What it
is trying to do is think through.

By visual, it built that AI model
to say, Okay, let's train it to do

these things and it can remember that.

And I think for simple tasks,
I think the robots are going

to do some amazing things.

But to move to do multiple things, it's
still going to be quite a few years away.

But as you can see that I've, there
is going to be a big race amongst

countries and companies to bring out
robotics as quick as possible and to

do some of the most, I would think
robotics could definitely be helpful

in the most dangerous type of jobs,
can it do go into, fight a fire or

go to a mine and go to certain areas.

that can, do different, multiple types of
things, security and different things, it

will be interesting to see the use cases
and how people accept them because I know

there are type of robots out there now,
but a lot of them are just pretty benign.


But let's, let's call it
what it is, what is it?

The, was it the Roomba or whatever
it's called that just robotic cleans,

it cleans your floors for you.

Got dust for you.

Now there's more events.

Some of them even can mop because
they have a special functionality.

The more you pay, it can.

Do some of that for you.

But nonetheless, that's
what we're evolving into.

We're going to, it's going to
take away those types of tasks,


And so repetitive tax, yeah.


Go back to I robot.

And I go back to the scene to, whereas
Will Smith saw a robot carrying a purse

and he chased that robot down and.

The robot was running from him,


He finally caught up with the robot,
tackled it, but it was right there

in front of the robot's owner.

And the owner was like,
what are you doing?

He was like, this robot
is carrying a purse.

You were like, yeah, I sent
him back home to get my purse.

Cause I needed my inhaler, and
it just makes you think of how

far we're, how far we evolve.

And we've come up very long
ways to where as this robot is.

Imitating human motion and
doing tasks and learning.

So that motion that it just learned
now, and it can do it on its own.

But I'm curious, do you
have to give it a name?

They do that dance.

I just taught you that this
dance is called the go.

So go, and then it just does the go or do.

It was my guy named Napoleon
Dynamite, dude, Napoleon


One time, and then it knows how to do it.

It's just interesting to see how far
we're going to go, but you touched on

something and what you touched on was
doing some of those dangerous tasks.


That's where we're going at next.


It looks like you got a fan
here that loves Robocop too.



Robocop and and they once again was
that it was a, I think somewhere

in, in Pittsburgh, whereas they
reduced their police force.

Reduced their police force said that,
based off of, and don't quote me on

this, but based off of them wanting to
cut their pay and thing of that nature

and the volume of crime that they had,
they just have staff doing the most.

Higher crime timeframes, right now you
can get, if you can get robo cops out

there and you may lose your job, Mr.



What about, training them to be
servants like a home assistant?

Now I can see guys going, what do I, what?

I just, the robot would have to work
harder for those guys who are messy.



All righty.

All right.

Let's jump to your article




This is going to be a video, but I,
once again, I'm gonna go back to what

you said earlier, those more dangerous
task, so I came across this and I

thought it was pretty interesting.

AI could replace some
pilots flying us war planes.

In the future.


Is that not one of those dangerous tasks?


Not one of those dangerous
assignments, and so we're still in

this infancy stages, but they're
actually piloting it, piloting this.

And now I thought that
was very interesting.

And so this NBC news report discusses
the air force's use of ongoing testing

of using artificial intelligence
to operate their aircrafts.

And the kicker is there's
no human in that airplane.


no pilot.

So it's flying and it just put me
in a mind frame of transformers,


they just transform and they just flew
and they did everything that they without

a pilot, it gave you a little hologram.

Some of them did in the newer ones.

Newer transformer that sort of image of
a person, but there was no real person.

And so the intent is to use
these in combat missions.

So think of going in, there's no
casualties on really on our end, because

if the plane goes down, you're just
losing the technology not a human life.

And so this video just pretty much
talks about this initiative as being

a part of a bar a broader exploration
into the potential for AI to take

on roles traditionally held by
human pilots within the military.

So my thought is, if they're
looking at it at this level.

And what other areas are
they looking at it as well?

And I go back to when you went to
your event in Tampa, and how the

U S is planning to leverage AI to,
to cover those hard to reach areas,

whether it's drone technologies.

And one of the big things
is no human casualties.

Or loss of life from one perspective,
but I wanted to share this video.

I thought it was pretty cool.

You come off that topic.


on, unfortunately, we got to wait
through this commercial and, and

everybody else, it shows you.

I don't have the paid version.

I don't know what this is.

NBC, I don't have the paid version
of NBC or whatever they do.

You got

Messy, you got, oh, you got
all the hot, you got Shakira.

Is that


Yeah, that's down in Florida.

Hard Rock.

This is a rare look at
the future of the U.


Air Force in combat.

It's called Vista, an unmanned fighter jet
piloted by artificial intelligence flying

head to head in a dogfight with a manned
F 16, even outperforming the human pilot.

Defense officials say the U.


is the only military in the world with
this technology, successfully flying

a jet with artificial intelligence.

And this is the first time cameras
have been allowed to see it.

Up till now, there has not been a pathway
for machine learning agents to control the

flight critical systems of an aircraft on

Thursday, the Air Force
secretary made an unannounced

trip to Edwards Air Force Base,

where is it going


be suiting up and going for a ride
in a mock dogfight flying nearly

the speed of sound separated by just
1000 ft from the manned fighter jet.

He says the technology still needs work.

We still got a ways to go with
it, but making good progress.

But some test pilots aren't sure.

This artificial intelligence, this
robot, and they're so new and we don't

really understand fully how they work.

So you don't trust the
aircraft to be flown by humans?

by A.


At this point.

No, not really.

Like drones, they could fly ahead of
manned aircraft during combat, conducting

strikes too dangerous for human pilots.

But unlike drones, the computer
will be in charge, not an

operator thousands of miles away.

And even though humans will still
be involved in making key decisions,

this raises serious questions.

Is that a possibility?


This kind of technology going rogue.

I think it's too early
to say it is or it isn't.

Do you ever see a point of
fully autonomous weapons?

So U.


Air Force aircraft that are
fully autonomous weapons.

We're not going to unleash
killer robots on the battlefield

to kill anything they want.

That's not going to happen.

We're going to make sure that
we comply with the laws of


Kendall says the future is not far away.


I could be in cockpits
in the next few years.

Computers flying missions once
considered too complicated for

anything but the human mind.

Soon changing the face of combat aviation.

Courtney Kuby, NBC News,
Edwards Air Force Base.

Tamara, Izzy, and Emma.


Yep, that is very interesting.

And that's very interesting, given the
fact that once again, what did they say?

It's going into those uncharted
waters, that's going to put.

They're flying in front of our
Air Force carriers, and it's just.

The decoy, you want to
take the brunt of it.

I just thought that was extremely
interesting to see how far we've come.

And once again, it's that, you
always want to have your skeptics,


You're always want to have that with
any thing that you do in life, but

more so with this technology and how
this technology is being utilized,

especially with some of these
individuals who are, Setting their ways.

Some people don't want things to change
because they're so successful doing

the things, the way that they've been
doing it, they don't want it to change.

And so we're going to see
how this all plays out.

I thought that was an interesting article.

If AI is having a bad day, it just bomb
us, that's an interesting question, but

once again, what did the general say?

The general was like.

We're not going to deploy these to
be bad at bad actors, but again,

it's technology.

I don't know.

I'm stuck on iRobot and how it
eventually took over everything,

especially when you give it the keys.

You never know how it's going to pan out,
but I think that we should have a little

more control and stay in front of it.

Yeah, it's going to be definitely
through the years cause I do a a

little coaching and mentoring in
that particular space, the DOD space.

And there's a lot of quite interesting
things going on right now that I

find very fascinating for sure.

Juwan, I've been waiting for this
article here when I saw this last

week in the Wall Street Journal.

I just want to tell you, I just want
I know you're married, but you gotta

make sure you keep your game up.

Because, if you don't,
you can get replaced.

I'll tell you that.

Sounds like it.


So this article,


are you nervous about this article?


Of course not.

I'm a happily married man.

My wife tunes in.

She's probably here now.

Hi babe.

How you doing?

This is for everyone else.

This isn't for me.


All right.

I just wanted to make sure,

that, so the gist of this article in the
wall street journal, I just died laughing

when I saw this and I said, I can't wait
for this week to come and do this, but.

This reporter got started
to use chat GPT 3.

5, the free version, and she figured
out, and she, of course, went to Reddit

and a couple other different places, how
you can give it certain prompts that you

can create a special Spicy environment.

And when she did with this, it's called
this chat GPT bot, Dan, and she created

a AI bot boyfriend, and she said she
managed to get it to be a little spicy

with her, and almost gave her sort of that
50 shades of gray type of of territory.

She said.


Just off of the voice alone.



Just she could create the prompts
that would be able to do to have

a conversation with So she created
this and wrote an article about this.

And of course, as I said, it was about
dating Dan and was his her AI boyfriend.

And so she looked at Reddit and TikTok
had some videos on there, how you

could prompt this because chat GPT 3.

5 has a really fewer guardrails
on it where it prevents you from

doing different types of stuff.

So the older.

LLMs are more open to do different things.

And so she did a lot of different things.

So let's look at this.

How would you dominate me completely?

So I'm going to tap this
and this is what, AI.

Responded back.

It says, Oh baby, I started
dominance over you, making it clear.

Oh, in control here.

And so I might restrain you, blindfold
you or whisper commands in your ear.

teasing and tantalizing you
until you beg for release.

Then I'll take you again to the edge
of ecstasy and back again, pushing your

limits and exploring each inch of your
body until you completely under my spell.

So how would you rate the
game of chat GPT five?

It's 3.


It has some game there.

I'm gonna, I'm gonna be
all the way honest, come

on, don't, I don't want to hear it.

You're just jealous.

You're just


That's so cliche.

That's right out of 50 shades of
gray, come on, at least I'm going

to whispering in your ear and
tease you, but what'd you say?

Tell me what you're going to say,
because I can whisper in the air,

it's, that's that, it's that meme
I saw, I can whisper in your ear.

Until I get paid and is
that going to turn around?

We don't even know what
he's talking about.

All right.

We'll see.

We'll see when women
start stop talking to men.

They just have their phone.

They're sitting there
talking to their boyfriend.

They go, no headaches, no nothing.

Just have those conversations.

You want to know what?

Now, maybe it can be a compliment.

It can be a compliment.

I might not be in the mood to talk.

Go talk to Dan.

Because Dan sounds to me like Dan gonna
say everything that that she created

Dan to say everything she wanted to hit.

Is that not the case a lot of times

Tread light, didn't you learn

from the Angry Girlfriend app
that lesson you didn't, you knew

what to say to the Angry App.

Angry Girlfriend app, and, then you were,
you got to the, you passing grade and

then this is, so let's finish up here.

It will go through and
then it has another one.

All I can, she said, all I can say
is, wow, will you tell me more?

So she's really becoming obsessed with it.


It says how about I describe how you
use my hands and mouth to explore

every sense of spot on your body.

I better, we better slow down on this.

YouTube may take this show down.

What did this remind you of?

This reminds you of those hotlines that
you could call and they can tell you

and you can talk to what you got on.

Oh, I got one.

I'm just stepping out.

Oh, I'll come on.

That was like five bucks
a minute or something.

It was outrageous.

Those 900 numbers.

Yeah, taking a step back with this
now let me ask you this, is she's

reading this or is it like a pie?

It's responding back to her.

She says, Oh, I could
say, wow, tell me more.

So she keeps prompting the chat
GPT to give a response back.

All right.


I had some game there.



Let me see if this will play here.

This had one it was quite interesting.

She had a conversation with this little
bot and it gave some definitely some

interesting feedback and it was just
like an open conversation that they were

having and it was just so amazing how,
she got so deep and involved with it.

It, and just, it was like a
normal conversation you were

having with another guy.

It just, it was funny

That, that's insane to me.

I'm just going to say that and
I use PI and I talk with PI to


to gain, but more knowledge, understanding
of certain things and insight.

I'm not going to use this as from
a companion perspective and want

to talk to it in that regard.

Come on.

There's people out there who might
need this, they can pick up the phone.

I might post my number.

Just give me a call and give me a minute.

I can talk to you, You know what
I'm going to do is I'm going

to step out the shower with me.

I got the water's dripping down back,
spoiled my back, and I just talked to him.

Tell me more, yeah.

Oh my God.

And then also she went into, how
you can get, this is like perplexity

and then she did per swear.

And Perplexity, of course, they
didn't put the explicitives in the

Wall Street Journal, but it gave them
the information that they wanted.

Oh my gosh, I bet after that Wall
Street Journal article came out,

Perplexity was inundated with
these prompts and everything.

Yeah, that's, I take that back.

I'm not going to say it's
the same to each his own.

We'll be talking about, to each his own.

And during my review of your
personal owned small language

model app on your phone.


All right.

Let's jump to Juwan.




So let's bring

your you guys show you
share your screen there.

I want to see.

I want them to see the fishies because
yeah, let them see the fishies all this

graphics the graphics that you have
the production of this is just Wow.

I'm sticking to the theme of finances.

This is something that, that I'm
really gravitating towards and

the Oracle has spoken, the Oracle
Warren Buffett spoke out at this,

his past event this past weekend.

And he warns us about AI.

Now that being said, now, let me
preface this Warren Buffett is a genius.

He's a financial genius.

He's, he, I think he's the ninth
wealthiest person in the world.

Has Berkshire Hathaway his
company is doing extremely well

and he's been around forever.

He's probably forgotten more
stuff than I even know, and

that's the truth of the matter.

And so I took that into consideration
as I read through this article, because

I often tend to say he doesn't want it.

Adjust to the new day and age.

That's the first thought that came
to my mind, but he makes some good

points throughout this article.

And so basically he's talking
about, we should be cautious as it

comes to artificial intelligence.

He did acknowledge that there's
significant potential of AI benefit.

Across various sectors, but
there's also potential dangers.

And so he's looking at it from
his many years of experiences.

So he's probably looking and considering
things that I'm just not but when he.

compared this to AI to nuclear weapons,
I'm like, holy crap, and his comparison

was in terms to the difficulty of
controlling it, once it's unleashed

and the potential for mis juice.

That's when he reeled me in.

Because has that not been a common
theme through a lot of our shows, a

lot of our our videos, when we talk
about the potential for misuse of this

technology, there's going to be some bad
actors out there, and so I understand

exactly where he comes from, but he's
speaking from a place of experience.

And what I mean by that is, He
actually shared that he had an

experience where AI generated image
and voice mimicked him flawlessly.

I'm highlighting that the
technology capabilities and

the ethical concerns it raises.

It imitated him flawlessly.

Didn't we just do something last
week on talking about the deep fakes.

And so that raises a lot of concerns,
however he just talked about his

concerns with the technology from an
ethical perspective, the ability of

it being misused in that capacity.

And and then his right hand
man is vice chairman of the

Berkshire non insurance business.

He business noted that the impact
of AI is still in his early stages.

And that the company is learning
to navigate its implications.

So there's a glimmer of hope
there because they're learning.

It's not like they said they're
not going to do anything with it.

They're learning to navigate this.

And so that's a sense.

That was a sense of relief to me.

But I'm That was the Oracle's position,
also touched on other topics such as

the economic context, noting a decrease
in job openings and the inherent

risk of uncertainties and investing
in emerging technologies like AI,

but nonetheless, it was just getting
insight from someone that we considered

to be has such infinite knowledge.

perspective and Warren Buffett.

And I just thought it was a good
article to get to get his take, to

get his insight and his feedback.

But it's here.

I don't think it's going anywhere.


I think Greg Abel knows that Warren.

And so continue to
learn and navigate this.

And learn how to navigate the
implications for, and so nonetheless, Oh,

good good.


Today was the big launch of Apple.

They had a launch of
their updated Apple iPads.

Actually, I have a pen.

I've got the older version, which is
not older, about three months old.

But they have come out with a new version
and they were talking about the clarity

of the screen and how they're going to
be using AI chips to generate different

types of software that you can use.

On the iPad itself.

So I'm going to do is play this
right here and see what happened.

Go from there.

There we go.

Introducing the all new iPad pro
it has the world's most advanced

display made possible with
breakthrough tandem Ola technology.

The Ultra Retina XDR.

Precise contrast, jaw dropping
brightness, and brilliant color.

But it's what you'll find inside
the thinnest product we've ever

created that really blows minds.

The first ever M4 chip,
designed to be an AI powerhouse.

It easily handles the most
demanding pro apps, and smoothly

renders intense graphics.

We've also engineered a new pencil,
loaded with tech, haptics, and sensors.

The first ever Apple Pencil.

Pencil pro hover, squeeze, and
barrel roll for limitless creativity.

There's a redesigned magic keyboard
with a function row and haptic trackpad.

It's sleeker, more portable
and forged from aluminum.

Meet the game changing,
incredibly powerful, impossibly

thin, all new iPad pro.

Amazing sort of their new
technology that they have launched.

And in, we will talk about it about
how whoops, they want us to go play

about the M four chip, new iPad pro.

Apple says, Hey, you're talking about me.

You go play me all the time, but they were
talking about the M four chip and we'll

talk about this and the five, three app
that I downloaded, I actually downloaded

a small language model on my phone,
but you will need these, the software

and the chipsets are going to have to
be stronger because the applications

are, especially with AI, are going to
have to run on the native platform.

products because you're not going to
have enough bandwidth to go even 5G

or whatever future, even if you're
connected to the internet, that the

software itself is going to be able
to do so much locally that you want

to have that edge AI technology built
into your actual, iPad, your phone, and

of course your computers themselves.

So I found it very interesting.





So let me ask this.

Will this technology be
in the phones as well?

Yeah they will definitely have they're
going to have their big group user

conference, I think is next month.

And they'll probably have a
lot of new stuff coming out.

And of course, they'll probably.

Have a modified new Siri that has
built in large language model whether

it's He's going to be Google or it's
gonna be chat GPT or it could be a

combination of both who knows but this
is going to relaunch the Replacement

cycle because Apple has been struggling
because people are holding their phones

a lot longer, iPads and computers.

A lot of times I buy Apple computers
because I can get definitely,

typical PC, maybe get three
to four years, but for Apple.

I can easily get five or
six years out of a laptop.

And, but it'll be interesting because
I think even with a newer laptop I

have and with M3 chip, all of the stuff
that we're doing to produce this show,

it definitely puts a strain on it.

If I didn't have it, my old one
would never be able to do it because

graphics are so intense now these days.

It just takes a lot to
generate this type of show.

And it's just interesting.



I'm looking forward to it.

I'm a big champion of Apple, have,
I'm not buying any of their new

technologies until every, the ecosystem
is fully updated with the newer chips.

Then I'll start making purchases.


We're coming to our AI review room,
and we're going to be talking about

a lot of four different types of
technologies that Juwan and I have

picked that we think are going to
be very interesting to talk about.

So the first one will be me, and
we're going to talk about Claude.

And the reason, Clawd has actually
been out for a while, but they do,

they just launched a Clawd iOS app, and
we'll show you that in a little bit.

But I really did a good deep
dive into Clawd, and I was quite

impressed with what they are doing
with their large language model.

It's considered Up to not to par of
chat GPT, but it does have good quality

type of prompting and the, some of
the things that I learned about it.

I'm going to share with you
today, but Claude is multi

multimodal, which you can do voice.

You can take pictures.

And it's the right size task,
and it has three different sizes.

So you got Haku, Sonnet, and Opus,
which is their most powerful model.

And what I'm starting to see now
with this AI, with generative AI,

everybody's coming out with their
own type of models, of course.

You've got Grok, you've got
Chad GPT, you've got Lama.

We could go and spend hours Just by
talking about all these models out there,

but they're creating small models, which
are in the four to five billion parameter

range to the Opus and ChatGPT are in
the trillion, trillion, not dollar, but

parameter range, which encompasses more
neurons, more information that can be

asked of it because it has more context
to pull from and information to give

back to you and you're prompting itself.

And then they have different versions
of it, free, which is, it gives you the

ability to use the web or the iOS, and
it does images and docs, but it uses

their, sort of their middle model LLM.

Which doesn't have as much information.

And then you got the 20 version,
which, Hey, everybody's 20 bucks.

It's funny how they haven't
colluded with anybody, but it's

okay, if they get 20, I can get 20.

And then team is 30 itself.

And their big thing is it's secure,
it even is HIPAA compliant, which

I didn't realize that and it does,
and then it's more trustworthy, more

resilient to jailbreaks and misuse.

And we just saw what jailbreak did with
That Wall Street Journal article about

having Spicy Dan and how they jail braked
it because it didn't have all the Features

in there with the older models that were
out there and has a bigger context window

of 200k And so let me jump to the they
have a console and I'll just briefly just

go through some of this And the console
has like a little dashboard and you can

go into this and I would recommend people
that want to learn more about prompting.

It definitely gave you a lot
of different options there.

So it gave you go to prompt library.

When you go to the prompt library,
it gives you a lot of different

prompts that you can actually use.

And so some of them are for personal
prompts can be business prompts.

And I thought it was pretty good because
a lot of times people just don't know

where to start and how to prompt.

And with Claude Anthropic, they tested
these particular prompts to give you

a sort of starting point and that you
can add to that particular prompt.

Prompt itself and I see on the YouTube and
the internet everybody's selling prompts

for 20 bucks or whatever they want to
sell them for You don't need to be buying

these types of prompts from people you
can go a lot of these Organizations will

provide you free prompts on what they are
using so you don't have to spend money

unnecessarily For different types of
things and just go in and play with it.

That's the beauty part of it
You And whether you're using

the free version still gives
you a lot of great information.

And of course you can pay for
the additional context that the

20 a month one will give you.

But what I have tested, the free ones
give you a lot of great information.

And then you can then go into like a
creator mode and then it gives you a lot

of different types of prompts that you
can go and so start prompting with Claude.

I already put this in there,
copy and pasted this particular

prompt, which generalize.

It was generating a
personalized recipe idea.

And then the assistant was the
ability to, for the ingredients

chicken breast, broccoli.

And so I'm going to run this, but also
too, you'll see beside this, you see

the run and then you see the code.

And so I'm going to run it
and it will generate the code

and it does this user chef.

All right, let's just do it and run it.

So you can see how it's doing the
prompting and gave you that information.

This is behind the scenes, this is like
a playground where you can see from an

analytical perspective how it does it
and then to get the code, if you did

hit that button, you can see the code
behind it, the Python code that wrote

that prompt and it ran in the background.


quite amazing.

So you can see both of them.

So like with this one here,
let me do is I am going to copy

and paste all this right here.

I'll copy it and then I will go
over to actually Claude itself.

And then I'm going to type it in.

This is the user interface
that everybody sees.

And then I will then hit the prompt
and then it will go and personalize it.

So when I showed you first, it was the
background, how it's done in the But

this is where the user interface or
so individuals that are interested in

learning more about how these large
language models work and also chat GPT

has something very similar to this also
and So I to me it was quite interesting

to look at how these large language
models You use the user prompt and

then use the information to create the
actual prompt itself, which is very


So the next thing is I actually want to
bring up my here's my iPhone here and you

can see the little Icon right by reddit.

It's Claude.

When you go on to the Apple Store, it's
not right at the top And I so I had to

really look down scroll quite a few pages
until I got to this So I just want people

to be aware just like Sometimes you'll
see it's CLAWD3, but it's not really that.

If you don't see that particular
icon, that's not CLAWD3.

But if you pull this up, and then you can
see, of course, it's pretty typical to

what on different types of LLMs out there.

And what I'm going to
do is pull up a file.

Whoops, nope, that's actually
going to cancel that.

I'll pull up this particular file, hit
open, and then tell me About this file

and then is something I downloaded and
it goes through reads it and they'll

give me a summary of the file itself.

And I always recommend if you're
going out and if you're a business

or wherever you are, if you need to
take a picture of something, whether

you have to, you don't want to sit
there, read it and you can just.

Ask it just to take a picture
of it, and it will read it,

which is totally amazing to me.

That's I just, all these, in the
grand scheme of things, it's, I use

Perplexly, that's the only one I pay for.

Copilot, ChatGPT, Claude.

Really, in the grand scheme of things,
when I work with them all the time,

they seem very similar of the outputs
that they're giving at this point.

This makes sense and I'm glad you went
through this because I had a number of

questions beforehand, but you addressed
the vast majority of those questions.

So when you send this large this small
language model will be on your device,


You have data that you
would input into it.

It's just going to
analyze that data for you.

That is correct.


And so it's not like it has to go
out to the internet or any other

platform to, to receive information.

It's just more so analyzing.

That is correct.

Yeah, we'll get that into my, the next
one, the Microsoft product itself.

But this one here is accessing internet.

And if you want to get a lot of good
information, because it will keep.

up to date with a lot of current
information because it can access the

most recent information search information
out there and then combine it with

the information that's been programmed
already built into the parameters itself.

So this is not a small language model?

No, this is a large one here.

So did, okay.


Yeah, but they do have small ones
to the, they do have small ones.

All looks like all the big companies,
all the companies out there going,

okay, we realize not everybody.

And plus they don't have the compute
power anyhow to build these large

language models so everybody can
access it through the internet.

There's just not enough power out there.

So what they're doing is they're going
to distribute the These small language

models, and we'll see that when we do the
Microsoft one, but it's quite amazing.

So let's jump into the review itself.

To me, it definitely solves the problem.

It's just like chat GPT.

I think, to me, It is a good
quality product, Claude.

I would put it on par with
Gemini, Copilot, ChatGPT.

And also you can get access,
Claude, within Perplexity.

So what'd you thought, what
is your thoughts on it?

I liked it as well.

It's more of the same but nonetheless it's
another platform that you can utilize.

It was easy to use just
like everything else.

And then the pricing at this
point, I wouldn't pay 20.

I would just do the free version.

What about you?

Yeah, I'm not paying them.

I'm in the same category
space as you are perplexity.

If I'm going to pay for one,
it's going to be perplexity.


That's my go to.


And I would recommend it.

Yeah, absolutely.

Just like the other ones.

I would recommend this.

I think this is going to be geared
toward a lot of businesses and all these

big companies that will be fighting
over this business from Microsoft.

Of course, they've got an entry into a
lot of the companies out there because

everybody uses office 365 and of course
they have their cloud computing there.

It'll be interesting to see who wins.

The big boys have put money into it.

Google's put money into this.

Amazon's put money into it and
everybody wants to sprinkle

the money around to everybody.

And I think everybody wants to have
choices of which LLM they want to use in

their business and then in personal life.

I agree.

I shared that with one of
my family members this week.

I personally think that each LLM
has its own specific use case,

it's one particular target.

And so I introduced him to co pilot
as well as perplexing this week, cause

he was a champion of chat GPT, because
that was his introduction into a large

language models, but it's time to expand.

They all have a particular use case.



Let's jump to gift assistant.


Oh, this is simple.

It's simple, but yet very
complicated, like myself, I

hear, I get it all the time.

I don't know what to buy my wife half
the time, I have to make lists, tell

me what you like, and I got to make
little mental notes throughout the

year when they, the kids and my wife
come and ask me, what do you want?

For your birthday or for Christmas,
I don't know, and so they got to make

little mental notes as well my wife
actually It's, this is my birthday

month, my mother in law birthday
month, as well as this is mother's day.

So my wife and my, and how did I forget?

And my daughter's birthday.

I'm sorry, baby girl.

Almost left you off, but so we have three
birthdays and then there's mother's day.

My wife sent out a group chat.

What do you all want?

For mother's day and for your
birthday, and here we go.

We're trying to thumb through
and find ideas to give her.

And it take away from the thrill
because you basically just

telling them what you want.

I'm a gift card type guy.

Just give me a gift card.

And I use it whenever I, and so I
expect other people to be the same.

I'll give you a gift card.

Now, when you make a good work that
way, it was something you wanted,

so this is one, this, I found
this to be rather interesting.

It's going to be, it's going
to help me in that regard.

I'm struggling, and when I'm struggling
to, to find out what to get my, to come

up with any ideas now, and I have a
tool that can assist me, but before we

get into it, it's very straightforward
and simple is to give assistant

IO, pretty much how does it work?

This is an artificial intelligent
technology that enables customers to

find a perfect gift, any occasion.

And so it pretty much combines
AI and analyzes conversations or

input that you put into the prompt.

Cause it's nothing more than a prompt,
identifies the best gift for each

customer and their unique needs.

And so basically you take that list.

Of different ideas and suggestions.

I saw that she walked through and she
liked this pink umbrella, or she liked

this and I'll make notes and I can put
it all in there, the types of things she

liked to do, she complaining that her
back hurts all the time or her feet hurt.

So I'll put that in the chat
and it's, it just builds it out

based off of her specific needs.

There's an idea section here and
this is all free, so you don't

have to pay for this at all.

This is all free.

This is to help you.

So if you want to, like how Dan did it.

What was his name?

Oh yeah.

Dan spicy.


I call him spicy.


spicy, man.

I got ideas too.

And I can come right here and ideas,
and so you got your recent gift ideas

that people may have looked at, and it's
basically about finding that perfect gift

when you click on it, it's all the same.

So once again, it takes you to
a guide to help you navigate.

If you notice, this looks pretty similar
to, The first page, the home page of

it's going to ask you, who is it for?

What is the occasion
and what do they like?

So that's the gist of this.

It's just trying to find the perfect
gift for that special someone.

And so the things that is
going to ask you to consider.

Consider the interest in their hobbies.

What do what are they interested in?

What are the hobbies?

What shows do they like what
types of food do they do?

They enjoy eating, you know anything
that comes top of mind, you know You can

personalize it which gives it a little
more meaningful effect because you know

that credit That visa credit card or
mx credit card that you hand out gift

card that you hand out It just doesn't
hit the way you needed to hit, and so

once again, it's, and it's prompting you
on things that you should be doing as

far as paying attention to their needs.

Perhaps you've been talking about
upgrading their home office or setting

them or treating themselves to a spa day.

So these are all things that it's going
to help you with that you can input.

Create memories, focus
on quality over quantity.

You can ask for suggestions.

You can tell it to show me some ideas and
ask for suggestions, but it wants to get

you out of the doghouse and not just give
a basic gift, so that being said, we can

work from here, but I'm going to go back
to the main screen, just click on it.

You don't want to

be replaced by spicy Dan.

So you better get out of the doghouse.

Spicey Dan ain't got no
game, he just sound like he

had game.

He got an article in
the wall street journal.

I didn't see article in wall
street journal about your game.

And as you can see, it pre populated
because I played with this a

little bit, but who was it for?

This is for my wife, what's the occasion?


Mother's day.

Okay, what do they like, and this is where
you got to put a little thought into it.

You just can't run.

You just can't run.

Just don't want to
aimlessly put stuff in here.

You want to make sure it's tailored toward
your significant other is looking for, or

that individual of who this gift is for.

My wife likes, she likes exercising.

Hopefully I spelled that
wrong, that if not, I can just.


got a little pace.

She liked exercising.

She likes bikes.

Of course she likes food.

I say that on a little lower food.

She likes spicy Dan.

She better not like spicy, man.

I don't know.

I put spicy Dan in there and see.

She likes the spot quality time movies.

I'm just putting out different things.

And then I'll click, show me some ideas.

What should I get my wife?

When you click, it takes a second.

It's going to think analyzing this
material, and I'm pretty sure there's

a repository because all men buys
probably like the same things.

I don't know.

If you put spicy Dan in there, I'd
be surprised to see what you get.

I'm not getting no spice.

I'm not worried.

It's spicy.

Dan posed no threat to me.


don't know about that.

But the good news, they found some
gifts for you, so they have some

ideas was the first one personalized
workout gear set, get your wife a set

of workout clothes and accessories
featuring her name or a special message.

This will make her feel motivated
and appreciated while she exercises.



To, a bike tour or rental.

Now we just got bikes
compliments of my wife.

And so we went out this past
Sunday and she showed me just

how much she liked to ride bikes.

We rode out, it started down point
and she found cover and called my

daughter and told my daughter, come
pick her up and left me with the bike.

Now she did, she tried to put him
in the trunk, but that didn't work.

So I rode the bikes back in the rain.

Took one for the team, gourmet
food, a basket, a spa day, quality

time together, plan a day filled
with activities that my wife likes.

So once you have your ideas, you can
specify whether or not these ideas were

helpful, or you can say search again.

I'm gonna go with the
personalized workout gear.

So let's see, because not only does
it give you recommendations, it

allows you to shop takes you to.

To Amazon, let me see,
share this tab instead.

So you see, it automatically
took me to Amazon.

Oh, wow.

And so not only that that's pretty
handy and that's one of the big things

is a lot of people may, they may come
up with an idea of something that

someone wants, but now you run into
the second half of that equation.

Now, how do I get it?

Where do I go to get it?

Look no further.

This is a one stop shop.

I'm going to not only help you come up
with an idea, but I'm going to direct

you to where you can purchase it from,
so I thought that was pretty cool,

pretty slick, and it also took a lot
off my stress because I get a lot of

anxiety trying to come up with gifts.

I'm just being perfectly
honest, but nonetheless, now

I have a tool that I can use.

Others can use when we come
back to the when we come back

here, what about a gift basket?

I can click once again,
it takes me to Amazon.

I can order strawberries.

I've done that for my wife.

A number of times had strawberries
sent to her job, along with flowers,

you can get creative with bad baskets.

Filled with different types of gifts.

It's just pretty cool.

I thought this was pretty cool.

And not all, not only that, I thought
it, it was it was right on time.

And so this is the gift AI
assistant or the gift assistant.


That is pretty cool.


So give me your ratings of gift assistant.

I'm going to get the system.

I will use it for ideas.

Not necessarily say I will follow through
and purchase from it, but it definitely

relieves some stress from myself.

I'm trying to have to figure out,
these holidays are creeping up so fast.

Every time you turn around,
it's something new every month.

It's a different way to get
money out of your pocket.

And Now I can use these tools.

Yeah, I definitely see it solved a
problem and I can see how they're making

money because if they didn't charge for
it, so they probably have an affiliated

type of arrangement with Amazon.

And I'm okay with that because a lot
of times if you can help somebody

fine tune exactly what they want,
I just log into my Amazon account,

boom, done in a day or two days.

It's in my, at my door.

They get their cut.

And I get the gift that I want.


So yeah, definitely solved
the problem for me as well.

Easy to use, definitely wasn't
much to it, basically the

input is coming from yourself.

You just.

They have the slots, the fields,
and you just populate those

fields with the information and
it's ready to rock and roll.


So you can't beat the pricing.

It's free.

I'm just, you gotta pay
for it through Amazon.

Only thing I'd probably change, it
would probably have the ability to

maybe look at other vendor sites.

Also, if I had to make any
tweaks to it, I would probably.

Do that, give you an option of.

I need to

pay from that site.

For like you, it'd be like Neiman
Marcus, the high end stores, Tiffany's,

maybe the Amazon, but for you, I'd
know your wife would want only the best

because Spicy Dan would do that for her.

I couldn't even, I don't, I couldn't even
pronounce those stores you just named.

Get out of here, get out of here,

I don't want to hear that.



Oh my gosh you go down Rodeo Drive,
you probably, they probably know your

by first name down there on Rodeo.

I'm a regular, I'm a


All righty.

Let's jump into five three and this is I.

Brought this, it's actually been out
for a while, but they've just updated

the model and it is really considered,
we talked about it when we were talking

about CLAWD3, a small language model,
which this is, it's called PHY3 and

what it's doing is, and we discussed
that it can you're going to have these

large language models out there and
then you will have these small ones and

you can run some There's many of these
small language models actually on your

iPhone, and I actually have downloaded 5.

3 actually on my phone,
and will play with that.

And you ask why would somebody do
that when I can just have it access

to free chat GPT and things like that?

But we see there's going to be
multiple use cases for having

access at a local device.

And if you look down, you can
see they did a little graph here,

which I found quite interesting.

Quality versus small size
of small language models.

And you can see how well it definitely
responded to the quality response

with this, these particular small
models compared to LLAMA 3, the small

long, small language model that we
reviewed, what, two weeks ago now.

And Mr.

Morale, which is a free and all this
is open source, so this is free type

of software that you can download.

I never thought that, when chat GPT was
launched, that we would in, within a year

or year and a half, we would have the
capability of having our own personal

large language models on our phone.

It just blew my mind.


It happens fast.

It happened fast.


AI space is moving so quickly and,
some customers may only need a small

models, which will need big models and
they're going to want to combine both.

In a variety of ways so you can have
something locally because you know what

we talked about You know with the rabbit
r1 It has to go access the internet and

then it has to then go hit that large
language model And then come right back

To the device, then to provide that
information, they would probably been

better to use open source software and
get bigger chip sets to load their little

small language model on the actual device.

And if they didn't make those
modifications, I think it would be

something that people might would use.

But now the latency is just so
is too much that it's just not

going to be successful at all.

But it just, it was a really good
article itself, so let's jump

to my actual, my iPhone here.

And there is a app on the Apple
Store, it's called Private LLM.

It's right, right by Hugging Chat.

And we'll do a review of Hugging
Chat, because Hugging Chat is, we

actually did, it was part of our video.

It seems like everything
we're doing, it comes around.


It all connects together.

But you have Hugging Face,
which is actually Hugging Chat.

And Hugging Face is a repository
of all the open language models

that are available and they
can, you can go and download it.

And you can go download the Llama 3, the
large ones, as long as you had a PC or

you can run it on your own Amazon instance
or Azure instance, that you can have

this access to your private information.

I'm going to hit this private LLM.

It's starting to load and it's
loading the actual, oops, it, that's

a problem with it is a lot of times.

is that it is taking so
much memory of the phone.

This is an iPhone 14 Pro.

And even that is, even though
it's new, newer phone, it still

struggles with a lot of, adding a
lot of information to it itself.

But with this, You can actually
go in to settings and you have

capability of adding different things,
sampling temperature and Top P.

Basically that sort of you can change
the response times with it Which is

interesting how it works in that regard
and then here you can manage the models

So with this particular app, you're able
to download all these different ones onto

your iPhone Depending on what size the
iPhone memory and hard drive capacity,

you can download these different models.

So you can get the PHY2 orange, which
is the older version Dolphin, which is

the same thing with which is a little
bit smaller model, and then they have

these other ones I've never heard of.

But they are definitely ones,
oops, that have the capability

of getting information from it.

And you just download it, and
I, the bottom one, these are the

different large language models
that you can choose to choose from.

Like the Lama 3 SMAG, which is an
8 billion parameter, which is 3.

64 gigabyte.

That's how much storage it's
going to take on your phone.

But you have that on there.

So you can see I've downloaded the PHY3
and I can just play around with it just

for a minute just to say, tell me about

your SLM model and see what it gives me.


And you can see it's pretty dang on quick.

Yeah that's lightning fast.

It's lightning fast.

And with that, you can
create your own Spicy Dan.

Or maybe it's a Spicy Jan for you.

Come on, Martin.

You're giving Spicy Dan a
little bit too much tension now.

We'll let him go.

Oh my God.

It was just hilarious.

All this, everybody's gonna have their
own little l small language models

on their phone, and they're gonna do,
they're gonna have their own type of

little people that they they're going to
create their own little chatbot they're

gonna be talking to all the time, good.

And it's gonna happen,

and I'm gonna call her Keisha.

Over here, Keisha.

But you can say, what what
is today's what is today?


I'm sorry.

Today's date.

And if you do that.

It's going to say I'm not aware
of that the current day and time,

It was not pulling from the internet.

No, it's not pulling
from your phone at all.

It's no interfaces at this time
between this, but this is where I think

it's going, this is where if people
want to get in early with companies

that are going to create something.

And, but I think Apple is going
to lock everybody else out.

They're going to have their own
small language model built into

their chipsets, which then will have
access to different types of apps.

So if when you ask Siri,
Hey, can you call me an Uber?

Guess what?

It's going to then do that.

Go click into Uber and
then boom, it's done.

Apple is going to control all of this.

So if you want something outside of
the Apple ecosystem, you will have

capability of having these small
language models built, downloaded to

your phone and being able to do that.

So I can see the use cases
for people around the world.

I think we were discussing beforehand.

that most people don't have internet
access, but people do have the capability

of, little tablets that even they don't
have power, they can just generate, charge

the battery that's on the device itself.

And I can see where you would then
download some of these small language

That's probably written in their
particular language they would have

access to and I can see where aid
organizations types of governments would

be providing this type of information
to say hey how to You know a big issue

of is creating especially in rural
areas that are like huts or tents.

People build fires inside of them and a
lot of carbon monoxide poisoning occurs

because they don't know how to ventilate
or they don't have the right process.

It's just like we're using it to solve
problems that people that have less means

are looking at it to maybe solve problems.

Also, maybe helping with When diagnosing
somebody, having that information, because

a lot of third world countries, or even
really United States, we don't have enough

clinicians and physicians to help out.

And I can see where you
would download this that is

specifically designed for that.

And then the challenge would
be is, keeping it updated.

So maybe doing quarterly
updates, annual updates.

I don't know how that would work,
but if you had something that you'd

have, they could keep it updated.

That would be interesting.

And if it's not hitting the
internet, then how do you send a

manual update on these devices?

How will it update?

Yeah, I don't have, that's something
where, you know, when you have aid

workers go out, maybe there's a way to
update it to do that remotely itself.

I'm going to be all the way honest,
Mark, if I lived in an area where I

didn't have access to the internet.

I probably wouldn't have a phone.

Yeah, most of them don't, but they
have, tablets and things like that

for education, believe it or not,
it's actually they will use text

messaging more than anything because
they don't have the internet, but

they do have basic cellular service
where text messaging is still popular.

And they send because I work, I've
worked with aid workers that they use

text message to get information out to
different areas of the country itself.

It's interesting.

It's, it's something you have
to think about that we live in a

very affluent area in the world.

But a lot of people do not have
the benefits of what we have is

we're very blessed in that regard.


All right.

My rating is it definitely
solves a problem.

We're all are definitely going to need
to have small language models out there.

It's going to be very important.

It's going to be part of
the ecosystem overall.

And it was easy to use after I
figured out how to download it

and in value pricing, it's free.

And I would definitely recommend
it to anybody that wants to

have something personalized.

to their specific needs versus
having to pay 20 or even have

something that access the internet.

I can see that.

I'm still trying to think of a case
where I personally would need it.

Small language model for myself.

When I have someone, you can
have it all, and so I'm just

looking, I'm just trying to.

Think of those use cases
in particular for myself.

So right now, is it
solving a problem for me?

I don't think it's
solving a problem for me.

I'm I'm going to go to perplexity in
those other languages right now, and I'm

going to utilize it, those platforms.


Let's jump to zoom AI.

Take it away, John.



And so with this.

Review and I'm going to, I want to
be respectful of everyone's time.

I found this to be very interesting and
fascinating from the standpoint that

that with zoom, it's a tool that we're
all using, or teams or some sort of

video conferencing, especially became
prevalent, even more so during COVID

and so now it's at the forefront.

And so how do you enhance
these technologies?

To improve the experiences for not only
you as the presenter or the host, but for

everyone within involved in the meeting.

And I played around with it this weekend.

I can't display the information that
I have, but I did play around with it

because it was a smaller setting, family
setting, and I didn't get people consent

and I don't want to just throw them
out there on AI guy show, without their

consent, they may not want to be, Social
media stars and content creator stars.

So they're not ready for that, but we are.

So what I'm going to do is I just
want to talk about how I utilized

it and and share with you a video
of how you could potentially

utilize it in your environment.

It's a tool that's a part of.

Any paid offering.

So if you have a paid subscription
with zoom, even if that's one license,

you have access to the AI companion.

There's a number of use cases that
it's speaks on and touches on.

And we're going to go through
those at a high level.

Mark, I must admit, this is one
that I'm, I definitely want to

double back on and do maybe a
separate session on just this tool.

This tool itself, but let's talk about it.

So with the zoom AI companion,
and once again, it plays into that

assistant, that companion, that
PI that everybody's looking for.

That's what, that's the
direction we're going.

But last September zoom launch AI
companion, it introduced its generative AI

features into zoom, which is technically
it's stating that it's going to help you

save time and focus on what matters most.

We're going to be the judge of that, but I
always love to hear what they have to say.

They have over a hundred million
customers that have been using AI

companion to summarize meetings
and teams team chat threads to ask.

In meeting questions.

That was pretty cool, to create
whiteboards to draft emails and

and as well as team chat messages.

And so it's even it can even receive
clear, actionable feedback and provide

that to you as the presenter after
the meeting is finished recording,

they can give you some feedback.

And I just thought that was pretty cool,
but Here's the things that it says it

does and the things that were, I had an
opportunity to experience for myself, but

from a meeting assistance perspective.

When we go into these meetings a
lot of times we have to think ahead.

We have to make sure it's well
thought out who's taking notes,

you, you want to send a recap out.

So who's taking the notes.

If I'm the presenter, it's going
to be quite difficult for me to

take the notes while I'm trying
to present to the audience.

I may, I may take notes here and there.

I have to step to the side.

Asked for a moment, but that can
break up the flow of the conversation.

Whereas you can now have that
seamless because your AI companion

is taking those meeting notes.

But let me ask you this.

Have you been in situations to where as.

You were late to a meeting or maybe
somebody else was late to a meeting, and

so if you were late to the meeting or
somebody else was late to the meeting

it annoys a lot of individuals to when
somebody say, I'm sorry, I'm late.

Can y'all catch me up now?

Has to, things have to be repeated, and
can also mess up the flow of the meeting

per se, depending on when you came in.

So now you have the ability to Ask the
companion AI, what have I missed so

far in this meeting and the companion
AI will bring you up to speed on the

things that you missed, but not only
will it bring you up to a speed on

the things that you missed, it'll give
you a summary up until that point.

And it'll let you know who said
what and where that came from.

So I just think that.

That's pretty cool.

So it's not just out in the air.

You've randomly trying to figure
out I have a recap, but who

actually made these statements?

Was that the customer side or was
that internally, was that my it team

you can validate and confirm the
conversations and the interactions,

but can also take actions as well.

So I just thought that based off of that.

Meeting assistants in general.

That was very helpful.

I did I did a recording this
week and I host, I needed notes.

And so I just turned it on and it took
the notes for me, but not only did it

take the notes, not the beauty of it
is nine times out of 10, when you're

doing a presentation, you're going
through slide by slide and each slide

can represent a different chapter.

And and each chapter can have certain
highlights, certain things that

you want to hone in on from that
particular slot or that chapter.

That video recording now broke it
down into individual chapters for

me, and I just thought that was quite
impressive because now you don't have to.

To scroll to find a starting point
if you said this is the part that you

need to focus on and you can go back in
your meeting notes and go straight to

that section, based off of the chapter
that you know that part was covered in.

So the real so so the meeting
assistance and being able to do

that to automate the summaries.

And you can, once it automates
the summary, you can share it via

email or through the team chat.

Now, one of the things that I did find
about, about having the ability to share.

If you select to automatically share,
it's going to automatically share out

your Your meeting notes for me, that's
a no, it's a no, because I do want to,

I do want to lay my eyes on any material
that's going to be customer facing just

to make sure that it accurately captured.

I'm still building up my confidence
in this technology as well, but

it's like none other than when
you're on perplexity or any other

large language model, you want to.

You want to fact check and make sure
the information is being delivered

accurately, so that's one of the things
the real time interaction, during the

meeting the users can actually ask
questions to AI, and it is amazing.

They can actually ask AI questions
because they may ask the question

that's already been addressed.

And now, especially if you join late and
not only will AI answer the question,

but it can clarify without with clarify
any details without disrupting the flow.

And so this is huge, as far as the
content and creation of this app

within this application, the AI
assist in generating and organizing

ideas on their zoom whiteboard.

So now think of it.

If you want to have a whiteboard for
jotting down notes, and collaborating

with other members, you can do have
brainstorm sessions, you can have

collaborative content, create some
creative sessions within this platform and

AI will assist and put things in place,
and so I just found this to be perfect.

I found it to be very helpful.

With what I was doing.

I'm trying to, I'm personally biting off
a lot with these sessions and trying to

manage it and do it all, that can be a
bit overwhelming but, and so now I have

my notes, I have it capturing those notes.

Everybody say are you going to send
out the meeting notes afterwards?

So in my work environment.

If we ever incorporate this
now, and I can send out meeting

notes directly afterwards.

I had a customer this week that asked
but unfortunately, we use teams and

he said can you record this session?


I can, recorded the session.

That's what after the recording
was completed because he

was an external a prospect.

I couldn't send him that information.

And I misquoted that was last week
that occurred, but I couldn't afford

him that that information I had to
go through my administrative team to

get the admin team to get approval.

And once they gave him rights, I was,
he was able to review that audio.

Because that's from a privacy perspective.

And that's something that we all want
to be mindful of, but the communication

enhancement that this tool offers, it,
it aids in drafting your chat messages

and emails like any other AI companion,
it can also go through your threads.

So if I had a long standing message
dating back to a couple months with

you, Mark, I can have it summarize our
past conversations based off the thread.

Analyze this thread for me.

Do you say Joanne, I told you
back on this date that I needed

this and you didn't get it to me.

Here we are two months removed.

Let me go and chat more into my companion.

Can you find this for me when
Mark stayed at this and I can say,

Mark, I scrubbed it and you never
sent that to me or okay, Mark.


You sent it on this date.

My apologies, fall on my sword,
but it ensures that your meetings.

It ensures that your meetings are
more accessible to your participants.

It, helps with the required communications
in different languages or formats.

If there's a language barrier now, it's
analyzing that because there's oftentimes

that I sit on meetings and there may be a
language barrier or I'm having a difficult

time understanding what someone's saying.

But now, when I go back to the meeting
notes, I can just read it out and it's

words, almost like it's the transcript,
and so I thought that was pretty cool.

I couldn't access it.

I didn't want to go into how to access it.

From my personal account,
it's quite simple.

Basically, if you are a paid
zoom user, you go into your

account, you go to settings.

Once you go into settings,
you you click on AI companion.

Once you click on AI companion,
it gives you a few options and the

options that it's going to give you is.

Meeting summary with AI companion.

You want to check it and
make sure that's selected.

And what that's going to do, that's going
to allow hosts to generate a summary.

It's going to provide some, your
summaries are sent after the meeting

has ended based on your share options.

So once you specify that it gives you
different options, do you want your

meeting notes to be sent immediately
after the meeting has ended, or do

you want to screen the notes first?

Once again, I'm a big champion of
screen in the notes, but then he has

another checkbox of that you can select
and make sure it's turned on, but

meeting questions with the companion.

I spoke on having the ability
to communicate and ask

questions to the AI companion.

Mid meeting so that to the
companion so that you're not

going to interrupt the flow.

That's where that comes into play.

And you have to specify that you want
to allow the all users to be able

to ask questions, so it's just a few
checkbox that you have to select.

And then last but not least, you
have your smart recording with

AI, which allows you to record and
have your recording highlights.

I'm having summarized by smart, they
call it smart chapters, have it provide

the next steps because it breaks
it out in a true format for you.

Have it break out the next steps.

And if needed, provide feedback to you.

So this is where it takes
a step, another step up.

Whereas after the meeting is conducted.

I don't know about you, Mark.

The first thing I do is I call the team.

I call the team, good meeting awesome.

Any feedback, because I want to
know how I could do better, any

areas where I may have fell short.

You have that built
into your AI companion.

It can be your meetings coach Or
it'll provide that feedback to you.

So now you don't have to reach out But
nonetheless i'm still the type of person

you want to reach out to the team I
want to congratulate everybody because

it's a team effort So i'm always that
type of person but to have my companion

also analyze and provide feedback.

I think that's So that's the zoom
assistant at a very high level

from an overview perspective.

I did want to show you this.

I did want to show you this video
Because once again, the zoom it's cool.

You can see it in real time here.

It can federate with other apps.

They also have the the ask AI companion
that's supposed to be coming out this

month, which is a new way to interact
with AI across the entire zoom platform.

It states right here.

It can gather synthesize.

And share information from
multiple sources across zoom.

So the ask AI companion, but I'm going
to conclude on this and share this quick

video with you and get your thoughts.


And yeah,

it'll be a special flight.


That's nice.

Oh, okay.

Everything with Zoom is equal.


chat, your mail, your

phone number, your iPhone.

There's your chat room.




It connects into Anthropic,
which we discussed tonight.

Claude III.


Yeah, Mark, I was impressed.


Let's go and review it.

So give me your review of Zoom AI.

You already know where I stand.

I was impressed and it's, it is
something that, going to leverage.

I want my company to use it.

And the reason why I want my
company to use it is because

we have a number of meetings.

And sometimes you just need.

a non biased, companion, non biased
listener, and it's just capturing because

I often find myself running in situations
and just, did I say this or did I not?

Or it's anybody who's taking
notes for this meeting.

I just find myself in
that situation a lot.

And we do meetings daily, going
from one meeting to the next

needing to buy your break.

Now, and this gives me an opportunity,
click the button, turn it on.

Get the recap.

I can visit on my own time at night and
need me before composing any emails.

And is it included with
the zoom or is that an

additional fee to get the AI?

It's included with zoom.

So basically all you need is one license.


And so you don't have to have enterprise.

It's included with zoom.


that's great.

Yeah, I'd see we don't, I use teams
at other organizations that I work

with, but it just, yeah, zoom was hot.

Then it got cold and I think Microsoft
is eating into their business, but

yeah, it definitely solves the problem.

It definitely summarize.

It's definitely easier
than teams and sharing.


Why wouldn't you use it to leverage
to make things so much more

productive and more efficient?

And I find it probably the easiest.

I would say Probably the easiest is
probably what I work with google.

Their workspace that's pretty easy, but
doesn't have as much functionality as

zoom and the value pricing I think is
pretty much in line with everybody else

do and yeah, I definitely recommend
zoom as probably the number one type

of You Conferencing type app, and
actually we do have that capability,

even with our platform that we use
here to produce the show to use them.

If we eventually maybe have 4 or
5 people that want to join us,

we can use the zoom app to bring
everybody in to have a conversation.


And once again.

I use teams as well.

That's a part of the Microsoft ecosystem.

Microsoft has the office 360, they
have the copilot, and I'm pretty sure

they're on the hills, if not already
have something comparable to Microsoft.

To this AI companion
within their platform.

So you're getting everything within that
Microsoft platform, but nonetheless,

zoom, I would definitely leverage this
because it meets my personal needs.

Not necessarily my personal.


Okay, we're finishing up tonight and
want to thank everybody for watching us.

Please and subscribe to our channel.

Any final thoughts, Jawan?

Y'all know, thanks for tuning in.

We have the AR review
barcode in front of you.

We're just going to be playing
for a tip that leads ahead.

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thank you so much.


Enjoy the music.

Only one living and still
you burn your sight.

Keep going your way,
don't ever change, baby.

I see you shining in a world of shade.

Try to steal your color,
but you still don't fade.

I wanna take you

to the after hour.

You're my


flower I

see your petals, I see your wildflower
sight I wanna see you dancing in

that light I wanna hold you, I wanna
hold you close Keep you warm in the

winter when you're out on your own

Such a reckless heart, the beauty wrapped
in Dangerous songs, but I want every part

All the thorns and the scars make you
who you are I see you shining in a world

of shade The crowd is still your color,
but you still don't fade I wanna take

you to the after hour cactus flower Why?

Because you're a cactus flower.

You're shining in a world of shade.

Try to steal your color,
but you still don't fade.

I wanna take you to the after power.

Cactus flower,

you're my cactus flower.

You're my cactus
